Just 3 POV'S
Mitch's Pov
Stupid Animation, This Would Never Happen If We didn't Talk about the Animation...But Now Im Gone,Far Away From My Crush, Sky, His Laugh, His Eyes, His Smile I couldn't Stop thinking About Him I know He'll Won't Accept My Apology, I screamed For Peat'sake! (Not in the Real fight Doe), I Miss Him Already, I can't Count the Times He was There For Me...The Times He Helped Me In My All My Problems, It Felt Like he was My Shield and My Gaurdian, now He's Gone today, Me Jerome and Quentin Are Going to Go for a Walk I heard My Door Open I Looked Who It Was I saw Jerome and Quentin I said "Hey Guys..." They Said "Hey Mitch!" They Hugged Me It Felt like Sky's Hug I hugged Back Thinking It Was Sky Who is Hugging me When We Pulled Away We Started Walking Quentin said "So Mitch....Since You Have a 'Crush' on Sky, How Ya Feeling?" I said "Not very Good...I feel Like I'm Going to DIE!" Jerome said "You Think He's Missing You?" I said "Depends On Him, Right?" They Both Nodded I said "I Hope He Does Miss Me" Jerome said "100% Sure He Misses You biggums!" I said "Thanks Jerome".
Sky's Pov
I stared Outside My Window Waiting For Well, Deadlox And Jason, We're Going for a Walk, Mitch I wish You We're Here I would say Sorry for 100 Times Just to get You to Forgive Me I wish You'd Miss Me, Ty And Jason Came In My Room We Walked Outside My House to The Park, Jason said "Sky, Don' worry The Time Will Come!" I hope So jason I hope So, I bumped With A Guy I said "Oh Shit Sorry" I looked At the Guy It was Mitch.
Jerome's Pov
"Mi-Mitch?!" Mitch Looked At Him He said "Sk-Sky I..." He Ran Away Crying Sky said "MITCH WAIT!!" We All ran After Mitch Jason said "HE'S GOING INSIDE THE BATHROOM!!" We All Went To the Bathroom But he Locked The Door We Could Hear Mitch Cry Sky said "Mitch Open the Door Please" No Response I said "Mi-Mitch Just Open the Door" Mitch said "I can't, I couldn't Cut....I couldn't Open the Door Too" Sky told Us If We Could Leave Them 2 We Agreed Then Left Hope they Apologize To Eachother.
Everything I do is For You
FanfictionSkyja (Skydoesminecraft and BajanCanadian) So Uh, This Is Related To the Fight but not fully Just DON'T TAKE EVERYTHING SERIOUSLY ('_')d