lemme goooo!

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"Lemme goooooo....lemmegooo, lemmegooo...lemme gooooo. NOW, DAOMING SI!!!" demanded a belligerent and very drunk Shancai.

"Stay still, Shancai! Otherwise I'm going to end up dropping you," huffed Si between the punches Shancai was feebly pounding on his back. He had hoisted her over his shoulder, potato sack style, after she'd stumbled and had the all too familiar drunken sailor walk, as she tried to walk away from him just before.

"That feels nice tiny girl. You wanna wait until we're in a more comfortable place and you can really go to town on my back?" he added saucily, starting the walk out of Jing's party to the valet. He knew he probably shouldn't be joking with her at this moment, after all she was still furious over the forced rooftop kiss last week and she'd just lost her mess all over his custom tux, but he couldn't resist when she was this close to him. She was intoxicating, her closeness, caused a sensation of total awareness and quickly rising heat in him whenever she was within three feet of him. And just before, she'd been standing there, all fierce, mouthing off, about what a class act he was and something about models and how he had yet to apologize.

He felt his ears getting hot—she was totally in the right to call him out and he didn't know how to handle it, so he fumbled defensively and stupidly retorted that he wasn't who she thought he was...blah, blah, blah. It was all just air, he knew. He had a sense that a genuine, forthright apology was the way to go, but he was quite uncertain about what to say and what to do. He'd never seen—much less received—a genuine apology; not from his mom, not from Zhuang, and his dad hadn't lived long enough to have anything to apologize for. In fact, all he knew and had seen was that Doamings' were the ones who were apologized to; it was their right. So he was at a complete loss of what to say, just as he had been on the rooftop, after he'd registered the complete terror in Shancai's eyes and body.

He'd had a long time to consider, analyze, and process his actions on that dismal day and what he'd realized, no matter whatever new insight he came up with, was that he had acted like a complete shitty ass beast. What was that about? Where had it come from? He was used to getting his way and doing whatever he wanted, but with the little that Zhuang had talked to him about girls, he knew that chasing them down, punching near their face, angrily shoving them and forcing a kiss on them was totally unacceptable, aggressively terrifying behavior.

He felt crazy and as though he was reverberating at an 11 out of 10. His stomach had been in knots since the attack, a constant sour acidic burn churning a hole in his stomach, and a swirl of intensely emotional thoughts cycled through his mind about: how he'd probably killed any possible start to whatever it was they were starting; that he was a complete piece of shit; and, perhaps worst, was the dreadful feeling that he had done some serious, long term harm to Shancai's sense of safety and trust. He suspected that whatever he was feeling wasn't even a tenth of what Shancai was thinking and feeling. But he felt immobilized about what to do to go about making amends.

"Dammit!" he thought. In that moment, he decided that he'd start by getting her home safely and hopefully get in the beginnings of an apology to her. She probably wouldn't remember but he would start his apology regardless.


Shancai's POV...while drunkenly tossed over Ah Si's shoulder

This jerk! I can't believe him right now. Who does he think he is? I should've just stayed quiet when I heard him talking to that man, but I just had to go and run my mouth.

What is it about Daoming Si that just makes me see red every time I see him? I mean aside from the fact that he's an idiot who broke my phone and mercilessly bullies me, he just pisses me off!

Ugh..I think I'm going to be sick. "Gross," Shancai uttered aloud and then proceeded to vomit all over Daoming Si. Internally, she thought smugly, good for you, you asshole! Let's see if that model wants to flirt with you now!

"Lemme goooooo....lemmegooo, lemmegooo...lemme gooooo!!!!! Daoming Si what do think you're doing right now? Put me down JERK! Don't think for a second that I've forgotten what you did to me last week."

Punch. That was one of the scariest—Punch—and confusing—Punch—things that's ever happened to me...Yet, somehow, I believe you when you said that you wouldn't hurt me anymore--but--Punch--you're still an ass. Punch.

Where does this big oaf think he's taking me? I wanna go back down to the party and drinkee more Champain? Champing? Camping? Hee hee. Camping was fun that one time Xiaoyou and I went our senior year. Maybe I should see if she wants to do that again and we can get far far away from the stupid F4 boys. F4? More like Fvckface4. A clearly drunk Shancai now going off the rails in her mind.

Hahaha, Fvckface4, led by a pineapple-headed fvckface. Fvckface. Fvckface. Fvckface!! Man, I love that word. I really need to use it more often. I'll start now. By then, Doaming Si had made it to the valet and Shancai lifted her torso upward, so as to look at the valet attendant and in a humorously sloshed voice spoke, "hello sir, I'm Dong Shancai. I'm a friend of birthday girl, Jing. Have you met my friend, fvckface over here?"

"Ouch!" exclaimed Shancai rubbing her backside from where Daoming Si had just pinched her. She vaguely registered Daoming Si say something to the valet about ignoring her, which riled her even more and she tossed out, "you broke my phone, you've bullied me AND continue to do so AND you haven't apologized for last week, and now you brought me down here when all I wanna do is go back to the party and drinkee and make sure Lei's okay...yeah, you're definitely a fvckface, Fvckface Si."

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