Love and War

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Love and War

Chapter 1: What is going on? 3rd POV

The girl was riding the horse without a care in the world she didn't care enough to look back at the land behind her. The distance between her and home getting farther and farther but still she didn't look back. Soon she saw what she had been looking for all along.

Chapter 2: Was it just a dream? Agapeś POV

What where am I? What is this place? Realization hit me as fast as a bullet, I was in the Gynaikon. There my mother and sister Sachi were lying on the Krevati that was quite old meanwhile me and my other sister slept on the floor which was in all honesty definitely better then the Krevati . The floor was soft this time of year so we always liked the floor this time of year. I saw my sister Calista stirring in her sleep, she looked somewhat troubled but I guess we all were.

Chapter 3: Troubled Times Agapeś POV

It all started 5 years ago when the Spartans declared war on us along with Thebes, Corinth, and Argos. Nothing was certain as the Spartans were very ruthless and still are to this very day. Currently our side was winning the war. You couldn't walk 1 foot without seeing a Theben, Corinth, or Argen soldier that was most likely walking beside an Athenian soldier. The people that weren't soldiers would spend time taking care of the farms or training. In the distance you would hear screams of pain and cries of agony from the soldiers miles away. You would never get a good night's sleep.

Chapter 4: My Sister Sachi and my fiancee Salomon Agapeś POV

I saw Sachi was awakening from her sleep. It was perplexing that she was awake before the sun had even reached the top of the sky. She then yawned I could tell she was very tired so I went and got some water from the well and cleaned it then gave it to her. I could tell she was very grateful as she was muttering a series of thank yous from her mouth. I then heard Salomon coming around the corridor. He looked like a god with the sunlight hitting his skin at just right. He then started to walk towards me. When he reached me he quickly started to talk to me about how he was told to go to war and leave me here. I could tell he was melancholy so I didn't yell at him I just went up to him and hugged him. I think he greatly appreciated the hug as he started to cry. I then promised him I would see him again oneday.

Chapter 5: Why did you do this to me Agapeś POV A few weeks later

It was the morning as the sun was barely awake itself. Maybe the sun god Helios decided to let it come up later or got in a fight with his sister Selene about when the sun would rise, who knows. I could feel my thoughts take a dark turn as I thought about Salomon. I remember a few weeks ago when he first told me about it. I wish I told him how I feel maybe that would have helped the situation. I wish he would have brought me with him then at least I would be without my horrid father. My father is horrible he will hit my mother and me if we don't do what he tells us to and he is just over all not a nice person. I could hear him coming down the hall and all I could think is help me on a loop.

Dear Father... 3rd POV a few minutes later

The girl was whimpering and backing away from her father. She had tears running down her face like there was no tomorrow. They wouldn't stop even as she wiped them from her face. The father was coming closer and suddenly they both heard a women's voice yelling stop.

Chapter 7: Running Agapeś POV

The women turned out to be my mom. She screamed at me to run and I did, but not before I heard her scream. I kept running until I tripped over a rock in the crystal clear stream. I could see the blood running down my ankle from where the rock had pierced my skin. It stung so bad but I knew I had to keep walking so I did.

In a few hours I had arrived at one of the many forests that outlines Athens. The trees stood tall and most were a darkish green that looks gorgeous when the sunlight hits it. Through the trees I could see a little lake area, so I ran as far as possible hoping to reach it soon. I reached I decided to set up camp.

Chapter 8: The people in gold Agapeś POV A few days later

The fire wood that was in the fire was charcoal black. My feet were so cold when I first got to this place. I am glad that I made here from my previous home. This definitely beats the harsh nights where my father would hit me. I hope my dear mother is okay, I mean she did sacrifice her life for mine.

My thoughts the wonder to my dear sisters and brothers. I hope they are all ok although they can be quite annoying sometimes it does not mean I wish they would die or anything like that. Maybe they managed to escape like me but that's not very likely. My brain was telling me they were most likely dead but I didn't want to believe it. That's when it happened.

The voices were coming from a few feet away from me and as I turned around I saw what looked like 23 people. They were all wearing golden clothing that fit their complexion really well. Then the unexpected happened. One of them extended their hand out towards me. I wanted to ask why but I knew better then to do that.

A few hours later

I learned these people wanted to help me find Salomon. They are apparently from Thebes and love Taramasalata, which is a traditional type of dip. They were all talking joyously about who knows what.

At the table there were little polenta cakes that looked amazing with little pieces of fruits on top. There was quail eggs, white bread, salmon, cheese, and lots of other foods that all looked truly amazing. There were all these fruits like apples, strawberries, oranges, cantaloupe, and figs. It truly looked glorious.

Soon the people including Basil (the person who extended their hand out towards me and offered help) were coming over to the table. They were all quiet once they sat down. Quickly they all said their prayers and ate. I soon ate too. The food was truly delicious. The polenta cake that I got was beautiful it had little raspberries on the top and it looked the definition of delicious.

Chapter 9: On the way Agapeś POV 3 months later

Go and stop, go and stop. Those words have been on repeat for a few months since we started traveling. We were nearing the battle field. The cries and screams you can hear from miles away. All of them made me think of Salomon. I honestly hope he is okay because if he isn't I don't know what I will do. The closer we get to the battlefield the more thoughts of worry and him fill my head. That's when I saw him.

He was about a yard away from me. I could see that him and another person were fighting against 4 men that were from Sparta. I could see the blood dripping down his face like the flow of a river. I could see bruises everywhere on him, scars that will probably be there forever lined up on the side of his face. There was some sort of picture on his arm. It had some sort of box with the word Athens in it. When I heard a loud boom I turned around in fear and behind me there was what looked like 50 people. They were all holding onto one of the people in gold. When one of the people I have come to know as Aeneas screamed out in pain. There was a knife near his heart that was slowly creeping towards it. There was blood oozing out and I could see the light going from his eyes. Next thing I know I am enveloped in a hug from behind me and I recognize the arms that were holding me. They were Salomon's. He had tears running down his bloody and bruised face. But he had a look of happiness and joy that truly made him even with all the scars amazing.

Chapter 10: My Love, why did you do this Salomon's POV

When I saw her I realized that I need to protect her with my life so I ran up and hugged her, pulling her into my grip as hard as possible. When suddenly I felt blood on my stomach. I didn't realize but Agape had started whimpering. She had been stabbed.

Chapter 11: The end 3rd POV

The girls life was fading in front of the love of her life's face. He was screaming and crying for her not to die but you can't interfere when fate decides something. He saw the light was completely gone from her eyes and she had gone limp in his arms. But he didn't care. That night he promised himself he would remember and love her for all eternity. 

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