Chapter 1 we met

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Terra pov
I was in my dorm room and I still didn't have a roommate but they did say I was going to get one he is new to this place they also I guess I just have to wait. I was on my phone when I heard a knock on my door I walked over to it and opened it. "Oh hey aqua what's up". I said smiling at her. "Hey terra I came because I need help on something". She said blushing. "Yeah what you need help with". I asked smiling at her. "Okay how I need help on what to wear for the college party siefier is throwing". Aqua said walking in with a blue dress and a black dress. "Okay let me see I think you should wear the blue dress it matches your eyes and your hair". I said to her. "Thank you terra". She said then she left and I was on my phone again and aqua just reminded me on siefier party. "Shoot". I said out loud and I just laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling.

Ventus pov
Me and my mom and my two brothers moved to a new house in scala ad caelum. "Sora where did I put my phone and headphones". I heard roxas my younger brother ask are older brother. "I don't know ask ventus". Sora said. "Ven have you seen my phone". Roxas asked "um yeah here it was on one of the boxes" I said then I handed it to him. "Thanks". Roxas said then went to his new room. I was thinking about vanitas and what he did to me and I just hated him. I walked in to my new room and I was setting things up. An hour later I finished and I was happy then I looked at the time it was 2:30 am in the morning damn I took long doing my room the time flew by that fast ridiculous I then walked into roxas room and he was drawing at his desk I smiled I then walked in. "So I see you love drawing roxas like always". I said then I saw that roxas jumped when I said that. "You scared the shit out of me damn". Roxas said looking at me. I laughed at his reaction. Then my phone rang it was sora. "Hey what's up". I said. "Um mom wanted me to tell you to tell roxas and you to go to sleep because we start school tomorrow at Scala college". Sora said. We already graduated high school only roxas is in 12th grade and he is starting tomorrow me and sora are starting college roxas will go to scala high school and we will go to scala college. Weird name but okay I told roxas and he laid down and went to sleep. I then closed his door and went to my room and I got a text from my internet bestfriend I never met him but one day I will I think I really starting to like him. "Hi Ven what's up do you like where you moved at". He asked I texted back. "Yeah this place and town is beautiful I really like it roxas not so much he will get used to it um I will text you tomorrow okay good thing terra". I texted then he texted back. "Goodnight ventus". He texted then I put my phone down and climbed in bed and went to sleep.

I know it's short this is a new story and I hope you enjoyed this story so far love yous❤️❤️

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