Go Get Him Tiger!!!!

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"AGHHHHHHH" For the one hundredth time on this fine summer morning, the young black haired male violently flung his phone out the window, waiting impatiently for Futaba to answer her damn phone. Grunting loudly he flung his legs, ungracefully, off the bed to go and retrieve the phone from the garden area. Stalking to the small staircase a couple of paces from the old, warn out bed he turned around to finally noticed the dust that seemed to be growing thicker on the desk and cabinets, signalling a dire need to clean and dust the small attic room. He grunted louder in frustration as he dragged myself down the stairs. Another thing to add to the list of things he had been putting off. At least the cafe was shut today, allowing the young male to gather his thoughts. Ding. The bell at the top of the door almost fell of the little hook as someone had violently shoved the door open. There standing in the door, panting loudly was Futaba. Her ginger hair tied back in a long messy ponytail. Her fringe sticking to her forehead, along with her classic white top and black shorts drenched from the sudden downpour of rain. She appeared to have forgotten her large green bomber jacket.
"YOU LIKE YUSUKE!?" She cried out hyperly not even moving from the doorway. Feeling incredibly overwhelmed and embarrassed he nodded weakly. A sudden squeal made him jump back in fright. "AGHHHHHH AKIRA I'M SO HAPPY! FINALLY MY BRO HAS COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!" Akira blinked in confusion, trying to figure out what she meant. Did she already know?
"Your not disgusted by it?"
"Huhhhhhh!? This is the 21st century, not the 19th century where you're executed, buddy" She raced forwards and hugged him tightly. "Now go tell him tiger" Sudden realisation hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Futaba was it raining when you came here?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"MY PHONE-" The young male shoved the even smaller girl out the way of the door almost, almost tripping over at least three times on the stool legs, as he sprinted into the pouring rain.

The sorry excuse of a phone lay powerless on the countertop. Muddy water dripping from every inch of it onto the wooden counter. Akira was currently sat at the counter on the closest seat to the small yellow pay phone near the door, weeping like a baby. Futaba on the other hand was sat at one of the booths using her techy hands on her laptop. Searching the furthest corners of google to locate a solution for reviving the phone.
"Looks like we'll be holding a funeral for it, Akira" She yelled over her shoulder. "Would you like it cremated or buried?" The young male sighed loudly.
"Now how will talk to him..." Out of nowhere Futaba whipped out a completely different phone. Throwing is accurately onto the counter without turning round.
"Use this for now. You'll be signed in as Alibaba but I promise I'll change it later for you" She continued to tap away on her laptop. She froze for a couple of seconds before saying "You should be in the group chat by the way" Bing. As if on queue the phone binged signalling a notification. A photo had been sent to the group chat by Makoto. It was a screenshot from Ann's instagram of Ann and a drunk, passed out Ryuji in a pub somewhere.
'Ann since when were you on friendly terms with Ryuji?' Makoto was currently typing. 'And why is Ryuji passed out? I thought he could handle his alcohol?'
'Never again... NEVER 'EFFIN CHALLENGING HER AGAIN. 0-0' Ryuji had replied back with speed.
'He challenged me to a drinking game. If I lost we had to go out on a date. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5 shots of tequila later and that happened' Ann seemed pleased with herself.
'Ryuji survived 5 shots? Goodness what a lightweight' Haru retorted back.
'It's believe it's called wine Ryuji. It's very sophisticated. Personally though I prefer Akira's coffee' Yusuke finally put his point in. He's too cute.
'Ever tried cocktails Ryuji? They are just as delicious as Tequila ^^' Akechi too? He's not often active after the fall of Shido and fleeing to England to go into hiding. He never came to terms with being nothing but a puppet for Shido and almost being killed by his own cognitive self. Luckily he was able to scrape through his near death experience in the Palace. We found him in a bloody heap on the floor in the safe room, barely alive, in the main ship area. After Oracle nursed him back to health he vowed to help us take down Shido. Still it was nice to see him active every now and then.
'Akechi good to see you ;^;' Thinking it was the right moment to show himself Akira finally decided to respond in the chat room.
'ALIBABA WTF' Typical Ryuji.
'Close, Ryuji. It's Akira. You are all invited to the funeral of his phone btw ^^' Futaba interjected.
'A funeral? That sounds fun' Haru responded. Futaba hopped up, snapped a photo of the phone and sent the image to the group chat.
'It's completely dead ;^;. So I gave akira my backup phone'
'Dude... How'd that even happen? Did you shit in the toilet and then drop it in, again?'
'RYUJI THE HELL?' The whole chat room, apart from Yusuke and Futaba responded with the same message at near enough the same time.
'HUHHHHH!?' Futaba was currently crouching on the chair staring at Akira with a disgusted look in her eyes.
'I think the biggest question is when and how?' Yusuke seemed the most chilled over this recent reveal.
'First of all that's not what happened. I did drop a phone down the toilet but the toilet had already flushed so there was nothing in there. Anyhow I cleaned it with a ton soap and water afterwards to make sure it was 100% disinfected. Second of all, what the hell Ryuji! -_-'
'Wait so you seriously did drop a phone in the toilet!?' Akira decided that was enough internet for the day.
"I seriously hope it wasn't that phone there" Futaba said angrily.
"Nah it was the phone before" Akira shrugged. "Anyhow how about we go somewhere for a while? We have no school and anyway It's stopped raining" The sun was now blaring through the windows. Although there was still puddles on the floor it had turned into a really nice day. Futaba shrugged her shoulders.
"Sure but you're paying" Akira grunted at the fact he would have to pay.
"Fineeee I'll pay"

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