My Idol

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You never thought this day would actually ever happen. Well, at least not in this way. You moving out was supposed to be a joyous occasion with you and your mother going to IKEA to pick out furniture and kitty cat pillows. However, this was not the case.

Ever since you had turned eighteen, your mother had been constantly threatening you to kick you out of the house. The smallest things would set her off: forgetting a dish in the sink, mixing towels and underwear in the laundry, or even forgetting to make your bed. Now, she was kicking you out for something just as arbitrary. One one of your days off from work, you went and got double piercings in both of your ears....with your own money.

You had come home, and your mother instantly noticed the new accessories in your ears. She immediately went off on you, saying that they were trashy, that you should have known better, and she then proceeded to kick you out. At first, you were in complete shock, your mouth slightly agape. It wasn't until she said that you had five minutes to grab your stuff, that you knew she was serious. You tried to retaliate, but before a single noise could pass your lips, your mother tapped her index finger against the silver watch on her wrist.

You made a mad dash up the stairs and to the end of the hall where your bedroom was. You quickly grabbed your suitcase from the top of your closet and began stuffing clothes and various items into it. You grabbed everything in sight, not even looking at what you were shoving into the bag. Clean or not, necessary or not, it did not matter at this point in time. Your mind was too jumbled, and your body was too stressed to even think about the important things.

"Time's up!" your mother called from down the stairs. You tried grabbing a few more items, but you heard your mother shout your name once again. You knew that what you had just grabbed would be the only things you would ever see again. You sighed and looked at your room as you stood in the doorway, getting one last good look at it. "(Y/N)!" you heard yet again. You ran down the stairs to see your mother standing by the front door. In her hands were the keys to your car.

"Can I have them, please?" you asked politely, meekly holding out a hand.

Your mother kept them firmly in her hand. "The title is in my name," she started. "Therefore, for me to get the title in your name, you would need to pay me for all of the payments I have made, including all of the remaining payments. So, all-in-all, you owe me about $12,000."

"What?!" you shouted. "then, how am I supposed to get anywhere?"

"That's not my problem." Your mom crossed her arns, clutching the keys so tightly in her hands that her knuckles turned white.

You scrunched your eyebrows out of confusion and frustration.

"Now, get out," your mother said sternly.

Tears pricked your eyes, but you knew fighting back and begging to stay would do no good. Once your mother made up her mind, there would be no changing it. You huffed out of aggravation and turned around and yanked the metal front door open. When you walked out, you slammed it behind you, not giving a damn whether or not it was childish.

You stalked off of the property, glancing back to see your mother staring at you through divided curtains, probably making sure that you didn't just hide behind some bushes and wait until dark to wiggle your way back into the house. You looked away and walked solemnly down the street.

So many emotions filled your body at that moment. Anger. Sadness. Even relief. You always felt like you had to dance around your mother and walk on eggshells. You felt like you had to hold your breath around her. Now, you could breathe, and it felt...amazing.

However, when you reached the end of your road, the realization hit you. She's not chasing after you. She really wanted you gone. Tears spilled from your eyes, and your throat closed up, making it hard to breathe. So much for that fresh air feeling.

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