Chapter One

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"Heeeeey! Come here Alice! Come here little Alice."Daniel said with a laugh. He started pinching my cheeks and patting my head. Seriously, does he still think Im ten? Prying his hands off my face, I glared at him. "Daniel, stop it. I'm 27. I don't think it would seem right for you to do this kind of thing to me. Stupid old guy." I said as I turned my back on him. Picking my clutch from the couch, I headed for the door way. "Tell your pitiful excuse of a brother to show his face or else I'll drug him, kidnap him, strip him naked and sell him off. I don't care if he's a star. I'm his manager." I said before slamming the door behind me.

Seriously? Why does he have to do that. What does he think of me? Daniel is five years ahead of me but it doesn't justify his somewhat sister complex towards me. Growing up with the boys, namely Daniel, his brother John, my older brother Alex and Justin, it made me feel like I'm no less than them. But, in their opinion, I'm a princess to be protected and they are my knight in shining armor. Are they trying to make me laugh? Like seriously, Alex is gay and so is Justin. They've been dating for like middle school days until now. They own a spa in Manhattan that they managed together. John is a superstar who is asexual. Though he never said it, I can swear he can love only himself. On the other hand, Daniel is a professor at the local college. He teaches arts and there is nothing manly about him as far as I could see.

I headed to my car. Grabbing my phone from my clutch, I dialed a number and pressed the call button. After a few rings, I heard the familiar voice of my mom. "Hey mom. I'm in town right now. I went to Daniel's place to check up on John. I'm coming over to our house now." I said. Her excited voice made me smile. "Okay dear, your dad and I are waiting. I missed you darling." she said, her voice cracking. "I missed you too." i said before hanging up.

Its been awhile since I've been in town. There were a few new places and establishment that have been put up since i left for college. Even so, the place still makes me feel exactly as i remember; makes me feel at home.

I parked my car behind the police car my father uses. I headed out and took my time to stare at our house. Exactly like I remember. I smile was on my face and I was feeling nostalgic. I heard the cheerful voice of my mother coming from inside. I looked at the door and at the same time, my mom went out. She was wearing this wide grin on her face as she ran towards me and enveloped me in her comforting hug. 

"I missed you darling! Oh how we missed you!" she said as she plants kisses all over my face.

" I missed you too mom."

We went inside the house and memories flooded. 

"Hey dad." I said as I hugged my father and kiss him on the cheeks.

"Oh, I missed you princess! You're so big now!" he said as he messes my hair like he used to back then.

I chuckled as he do it. Although it messes my hairstyle, I still love it when he does that. I sat down on the couch in the living room. I looked around and I see every inch of the house having a part of me. I sighed and look at my phone.

"We'll be in the kitchen hon. Your dad is helping me with the food. Just relax there darling." my mom says before entering the kitchen alongside dad.

Dinner was great. They tried persuading me to stay but I have a breakfast meeting with a director for a movie which John will be starring at. I drove from my town to the city. Suddenly, my phone was ringing. I didn't get to answer the call and so, it ended in my voicemail. I shrugged, thinking it must be unimportant and so, i left it as it is.

"Where is your talent? Why didn't he come here?",the director asked me on the breakfast table. I took a sip of my tea before looking down at the script he gave me. "This is good...", I commented, ignoring his earlier question. "Where is he? I was hoping we could start reading the lines today...",he said,taking a bite of the croissant. He wiped a few crumbs from the corner of his lips with the table cloth before asking again,"Why is he not showing his face lately? What's wrong with him? Is he on rehab?" I shook my head.  "He's just acting like a baby. Don't worry. He'll come around." I took another sip of my tea. Suddenly. my phone rang. I took it from my handbag and checked the caller's ID. "Speaking of the devil..."I muttered before answering."So, are you ready to be skinned?'I said. The director raised a brow at me and shrugged before paying attention to his croissant."Where are you? Im coming." John said from the other line, his voice husky, must be because he just woke up. "Look at your schedule. I gave it to Daniel yesterday. You'll know where I am. I am in a meeting with the director for your upcoming movie. Hurry so you can start reading the lines." I heard shuffling from the other line. "Okay,Im on my way." he said before hanging up. I put the phone back inside my bag. "He's coming?" the director asked, glancing at me. I nodded before taking a slice of the moist cake on my plate.

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