"Check me out, huh?"

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 Sophia's POV

I walk into the cafe section at the library and pay for a Dr. Pepper. I set my bags down, filled with books and sigh heavily, swinging my shoulders, trying to get them lose and not stiff. I yawn and stretch, rubbing my eyes and blinking as I look at the time. 4:17 pm. Ah shit... Practice is in like.... an hour.. I glance over to the front desk lady and I'm surprised to see that shes very young compared to the others. She looks about my age.. maybe younger. Shes taller than me by what looks like 3 inches and her hair is cut to her shoulders, her roots going from brownish to blonde.  Shes definitely cute.. but i'm not gay. I shake my head, my face lighting up in a non existent  blush that my cheeks are trained not to show. Girls can seem cute to other girls... its normal.. She seems to be the check out person and I groan internally. I walk over with my bag, having finished my Dr. Pepper. "Hello? Hi- Can I check these out?" I smile sweetly in a practiced smile. I glance at her name tag and my eyes stare at her chest a bit longer than I preferred. "K-katie?" I pronounce the word, squinting like an idiot. "Do you usually wear glasses or somethin, hun?" She smirks, giggling a bit to herself. I blush, but my tan skin hides it. I trip over my words and I set my bag on the counter pulling out 6 books total. "I'd like to check these out.." I mutter, not looking up or answering her question. "Okay~" she smiles and reaches for what I thought was my book, until she grabbed my hand. She used her other hand to lift my chin up, "Are you a book? Cuz i'd like to check you out~" My words fail me completely as I look at her freckles face and full pink lips, occasionally glancing into her transparent oceanic eyes. "I-I'm only here for the check out..." I blush, and this time its  a bit noticeable. I silently curse myself for letting my embarrassment show. "Oh for fuck sake Katelyn... Stop flirting with our customers!" A woman that looks to be in her young 30's pushes her with her hips and Katies hand fall off my face and she shoves the womans shoulder. "Shut up mom! Im being friendlyyy!!" She complains, giving me an embarrassed smile and an apologetic shrug. Her face and cute freckles turn bright red and I think its absolutely beautiful. I push away my straightness and go completely lesbo. Smiling brilliantly, I take my bag up and then leave a piece of paper on the desk. "Ill be late." I say simply and walk away, smiling stupidly to myself. I skip over to my death at the aquatic center, ready to deal with my Coach and their shitty sets. 

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