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I sighed as I stared at the passing scenery of the cab window. Somehow my mother thought it would be a great idea to send me to live with my old uncle whom I've never even met before. My uncle used to be in the military (according to my mother) and he knows how to discipline very well. My cousins are basically his obedient dogs. When he retired he became a businessman and started working from there. He's basically a millionaire now.

I looked down at the sweaty and worn down seats. I made a face to show my disgust as I counted how many gum wads and bugs there are stuck in the seats. There's coins but there's pieces of gum stuck on it, there's no way I'm gonna touch that.

I looked up to the front seat and analyzed the cab driver. He looked about 40 years old, he had a scruffy beard with a bit of food stuck on it, he had a bit of a beer belly as well. I looked at his name that was printed on the screen of his little computer that he has attached to the car. Larry, is what it said.

"So what brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asked as we made eye contact in the rearview mirror.

"Mother dearest thought it would be great for me to get some discipline." I responded with a sly smirk.

"Oh, a troublemaker I see." He states with a chuckle.

I chuckled softly as well.

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

He looked at me in the rearview mirror.

" your uncle a nice dude?"

"I'm not sure."

"So I'm taking you to someone you don't know?" He asked with his bushy,gray eyebrow raised.

"It's okay, Larry. He's family." I responded with an assuring smile.

"Okay...if you need a getaway cab just call me." He said and focused on the neverending road ahead.

I smiled softly "Will do, Larry."

I leaned my head against the window and watched the scenery go by. My eyelids slowly close and I'm in pitch black.

~Time skip~

"Kiddo, wake up." Larry called out while shaking me, causing me to get pulled out of the dark abyss of my mind.

I yawned while stretching and analyzed my surroundings.

I stared up at the tall mansion that blocks the sun's beaming rays of light. The paint looked fresh and I couldn't even find a single flaw about it.

"Call me if you need that getaway cab!" Larry shouts out as he drives away in a hurry.

I adjusted my backpack and pulled my luggage up to the front door.

I was about to knock on the marble door but it opened before I could, surprising me a bit.

"Welcome." The handsome butler greeted while smiling warmly at me.

That ass though....

I kept my cool and walked in and followed the handome yet short butler to what seems like the living room.

"Welcome." A sharp voice called out.


First part done! :D

This is actually a request by a friend of mine so here it is!

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