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10 hours ago..

"KC?? KC!" KC kept walking. After all, it was a pretty big school and it wasn't like she had an incredibly unique name or anything. "KC! STOP! WAIT FOR ME

EE!" She looked around and saw that there wasn't anyone else around. So she thought, "Maybe it is me?? I guess i can stop. I have lots and lots of time to kill anyways right?" So she stopped, sat on a bench and waited...

"Hey KC. I was beginning to think you didn't hear me" he said laughing as he stood in front of her. KC looked up. "Woah" was her initial reaction. "Ryan! Hi! Long time no see!" was what she said. So long was the little boy she used to run around and play tag with; in front of her stood a man, grown, muscular, handsome, and dare she even think it, just plain hot. On the other hand, Ryan was thinking the same exact thing. Oh how time changed people. In that moment, he only thought of one word to describe her. That word was 'beautiful.' He always thought she had been but now, more than ever. His feelings for her never vanished. They were always there, no matter how much he hated to admit it. He could barely admit those feelings to himself.

KC and Ryan walked around the scenic campus. It was one of the reasons she chose the college. She wanted something pretty to look at as she got lost in her daydreams, in her very own little wonderland. KC and Ryan talked for what seemed like hours. They about everything and anything with the small exception of significant others in which they both tried to avoid. Both KC and Ryan were amazed to find that although so many years had gone by, they barely changed. KC still laughed at basically everything Ryan ever said and Ryan still tried to make a joke of even the most serious topics. Eventually, KC and Ryan found themselves back around to the park with the bench where they reunited.

KC slowly but surely tried to calm herself down from laughing. She missed this so much. She missed laughing this hard and him being the reason behind that laughter. Ryan looked at her admiringly. He gazed at her and her long, brown hair sway in the autumn breeze. He smiled at the way her warm, chocolate, dark brown eyes caught glints of sunlight. The distance between their face decreased more and more and KC stayed exactly where she was. She felt like she already knew what was going to happen but even so, taking a few steps back were the last things on her mind. Ryan quickly and ever so slightly brushed his lips to KC's.

KC freaked out inside and contemplated whether or not their lips actually making contact with one another was fact or fiction. "Maybe it was just an accident or something" she thought. So she played it cool in front of Ryan and babbled on and on about her classes and her goals. Ryan loved it when KC talked. It was just an excuse for him to have the pleasure to look at her face. As KC babbled, Ryan decided that one of the things he loved about her was her ambition and her drive in life. He thought about how wonderful it would be to have such an optimistic person in his life. In between these thoughts, Ryan had finally decided to kiss her and he did so in the middle of one of her sentences.

The kiss was just a mere peck on the lips but it meant more than that for the both of them. Ryan walked away and left KC in awe. For KC, the kiss was way too evident to be an accident. She knew that that kiss purely intentional. For Ryan, he hoped and prayed that she got the hint. KC felt incredibly confused. KC always felt like he stared at her for a little too long, but she really didn't mind. She definitely didn't want to make something out of nothing. "Could it be that after all this time, his feelings towards me never changed?" she smiled at the thought. She couldn't understand her giddiness considering that she never looked at him as more than a friend except for that one small period of time long, long ago. She was taken aback and confused. She wanted to call after him but she struggled with her words. She struggled with which subjects and predicates to string together to talk to Ryan about the recent kiss. What she did know was that her reunion with Ryan couldn't stop there so she ran after him.

KC ran and ran and finally got a hold of his arm. He stopped and both were completely speechless, they looked, stared, gazed into each other's eyes. Then he gave her 'the look.' 'The look' that all the princes in fairytales gave their princesses. 'The look' that every girl yearned for. It was 'the look' that told her that he loved her and his words weren't necessary for her to confirm it. Suddenly, under the tree, he kissed her again but this time longer, deeper, and more passionately. KC peered at him through the kiss and saw that his eyes were closed. Before she knew it, she too was consumed by the kiss and admittingly loved every second of it. She kissed him back and during the kiss that's when everything finally clicked; maybe that's why it never worked out with anyone else. He stole her heart long before she knew hearts could be stolen. He was her wonderland. He was the very thing that left her breathless.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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