Nothing Lasts Forever.

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Caitlin hugged her friends one last time; saying her goodbyes to Niall, Jade, Becca and Zayn. She was leaving Doncaster to move to Cheshire with her family. Caitlin thought that by now it would’ve been easy to say goodbye since her family moved around so much ever since she could remember. But this was the longest time they’ve stayed in one place and Caitlin had actually gotten the chance to make good friends. 

She’d met her best friend Niall in year seven and became friends with his group. He was the most carefree Irishman anyone could meet and Caitlin had gotten along with him since day one. Jade and Becca were identical twins who couldn’t be more different from one another. The two both had long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Jade was the most athletic person whereas Becca preferred indoors and maintaining her perfect appearance. When Caitlin first met Zayn she thought of him as the quiet mysterious one but after getting to know him, he was definitely the mischievous one in their group. He loved pranking people and doing things he knows he shouldn’t. Caitlin had brown wavy hair and green eyes, she was naturally very beautiful and took after her mother. Her dad’s job made sure she had everything she ever wanted which meant expensive clothes, makeup and jewellery. Their group seemed versatile, but they all had one big thing in common; they loved a good party. 

Her father was a very wealthy lawyer for international companies and her mother was a real estate agent for celebrities which meant they both travelled a lot. Caitlin had taken the opportunity of her parents being out of town to throw a party in their abnormally large house. This was part of the reason Caitlin was moving, it ended in disaster - the police and an ambulance having to be involved. Her parents decided it was time to move some place new and more peaceful, somewhere Caitlin could sort her life out. Whether she wanted to or not. 


“Oh my god.” Caitlin thought to herself as she stood on the front lawn of her new home. It wasn’t a mansion or a fancy penthouse like she was used to expecting whenever they moved. In fact, it was a simple two-story house with vines creeping up the outer walls and a variation of plants and flowers lining the dirt pathway.  

“Why didn’t you tell me we were moving to the country?” She asked her mum who ignored her, too busy admiring the architecture. 

“Its not the country darling, its Cheshire. Its a small quiet town.” Her dad answered happily. 

Caitlin groaned and followed their driver who was carrying their luggage into the house. She quickly ran upstairs and opened every door to find the room that would be hers. Before she could begin unpacking her many suitcases, Caitlin’s mother knocked on her door. 

“Caity, Sweetie, I thought I’d introduce you to Karen. She’s going to be your sort of Au Pair.”  The short blonde woman waved at Caitlin. 

“Mum! I dont need a baby sitter.”

Her mother gave her a stern look and before leaving she said, “Dont get me started after what happened the last time we left you alone.” 

“Oh don’t worry, Im just here to do some house work and make sure you have food to eat.” She smiled, “Im here from 7am till 9pm to make sure you’re okay. I have my own family after all. Here, let me do that for you and you can look around and get familiar with the house.” 

Caitlin wandered around the house for a while, the movers made it difficult to get anywhere inside so she decided to go into the backyard where there was a large horse paddock; no horses. When she turned to go back, a loud noise from the stables a few metres away caught Caitlin’s attention. 

“Hello?” She called warily as she stepped onto the straw covered ground.

“Louis you dick!” a husky voice yelled from under a pile of horse saddles and hay. A giggling from above her caused Caitlin to look up. 

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