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"I need your help," Willow said from the other side of the room. We were in our room at the sorority house, Willow was still getting ready for the mixer with a fraternity, I had personally been ready for 15 minutes, but you know a girl got to take her time.
Willow and I shared a room at the house; the room was a decent size. We had two desks up against a wall and our beds were against two other walls they were standing pushed in a corner together, against the last wall was the closest and the mirror. Willow and I had been best friends since sophomore year in high school, we had met in a gym class when we both lied about having our periods, and considering our gym teacher was a man, he did not exactly want to deal with it.
Willow was as close as family. She knew everything about me, and she didn't walk away when she found out everything, even though I pushed and didn't want to have her as a friend.
"Ox, you have to help me," she said again, I look up from the Magazine I was reading.
Willow was wearing a short red dress and matching heels.
"Sure, but what exactly do you want me to do?" I closed the Magazine and placed it on the bed I was laying on.
"So, you know I have been seeing this guy, Josh, and I really like him, so um can you, you know, talk to him." She smiled at me through the mirror
"So, you finally got over Adam."
"Yes, I really, really like him. Josh NOT Adam" she quickly said like I thought she was talking about Adam again.
Adam was a guy she had been dating in high school and had a hard time getting over him.
"5 minutes ladies," Zoe yelled from down the stairs. I got up off the bed; I was wearing a light pink romper that was low-cut.
"Okay, I'll make sure he isn't crazy," I walked over to the desk where my shoes were; I got them on and turned back to Willow.
"Great, He's gonna be at the fraternity tonight, so you gonna talk to him and tell me what you think."
"Okay, I'll talk to him. And make sure he's not a serial killer" I joked, not that I think she pick someone like that, up or maybe she was ignoring it.
"Great because I think maybe he might be the one." She had the biggest smile on her face.
"Okay Willow if you say so." I chuckled at her.
"Come on Zoe is gonna have our heads if we're late."
We got out of our room and walked down the stairs. The girls were all gathered; by the front door, Zoe stood in the front.
"Okay lady, your all know the rules, but other than that, have fun." Yep, these things are so boring, all we had to do was talk and make friends with the boys from the house.
After a couple of hours in the house, I was standing in a room with people all around me. I had just gotten out of a conversation with a guy who would not shut up about soccer just because I made a throwaway comment about the game that was on tonight, I wasn't even a big fan, it had just been a thing in the house I had been in for years when Willow came up to me.
"Okay, he's over there," Willow pointed over to a group of guys and a girl, Anna.
"Which one." I looked back at Willow.
She turned and looked over to look at the groupe.
"The blonde one."
"The one with the blue shirt?" there was three.
She turned back to me with a smile.
"Yes." She grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me towards them and pushed me over there.
"Go talk to him."
"Okay, I'm going." Jesus chill Willi, I walked over there and up to the group.
"Hey, Anna," I said, Anna was a girl in the sorority; she was nice, but I wouldn't call us close.
"Hey, Ox." I smiled at her before I looked over at the guys in the group, I lingered at one of them a couple of seconds extra. He was about six feet, with brown curly hair, a strong jawline, broad shoulders, and lean.
I landed on the 'cute boy', Willow's boy.
I smiled at him.
"Hey, I'm Octavia." He gave me a nice smile.
"Hello to you too." The handsome guy interjected, I looked at him quickly then back to Josh.
"Are you a cheater?" I asked with a smile, but there was no need to beat around the bush. He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something but didn't.
I continue to look at him until he answered my questions.
"Nooo." He answered insecurely.
"Great;" I move along quickly.
"How many girlfriends have you had?" He looked over at the handsome dude.
"What?" he clearly didn't understand what was happing right now.
"How did your last relationship end?" I move on to the next question, He just looked more confused.
He looked over to his friends for help.
"You see someone?" The guy asked.
I ignored him and continued to look at Josh.
"Have I seen you before, you seem very familiar, have we had sex before?" I snapped my head to the guy.
"No, I would rather eat a living beetle than sleep with you." I blinked at him.
"You sure," He tilted his head slightly to the side and smirked.
"I think maybe I have gotten you naked before." I closed my eyes and shook my head. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
I looked back at Josh to find him gone.
I looked over my shoulder, but he was definitely gone.
"Goddammit," I whispered.
I turned and walked away.
"What you just gonna leave like that, I thought we were built to something here." The idiot said I could hear the smile in his voice as I walked away; I raised a hand in a gesture of goodbye.
20 min to 10 I was sitting on the porch in front of the house. I sat there waiting until I could leave; we couldn't leave until ten unless we wanted to be on clean-up duty, and one wants that, and being inside was just so boring.
The door opened behind me and then closed again. I looked behind to see who it was, the idiot.
"So, this is where you go to hide. I've been looking for you" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not hiding." He came and sat down next to me on the steps.
"Oh, I could have been fooled." He said sarcastically.
"I'm waiting till I can leave, not hiding." I tilted my head back and towards him with a sarcastic smile.
He took the cup from my hand and throw out the liquid in it and poured in some of the liquid from his own cup, then handed it back to me.
I took the cup and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What? You scared I gonna poison you?" He smirked and he took a sip.
I took a sip myself of my own, it was beer; how had he gotten beer?
"Just so you know Josh is seeing someone," he said as if I wasn't aware of that.
"Yes, I'm aware of that." I took a big sip of the beer.
"Oh, let me guess, you're either a sister or a best friend." I was looking at him, his brown hair was pushed back, and he had honey-brown eyes and soft-looking lips.
"Best friend, "I answered him
"Same." I gave him a look and got an idea.
I turned to sit facing him.
"So, if you're his best friend when you can tell me what I want to know." He looked at me.
"If I can't then, no one can." He said like he was the man with all the answers.
"Great. How long have you known him?"
"Him, you know he has a name, is Josh. By the way, I'm Beckham." I took the last gulp of beer for my cup and placed it behind me.
"Okay, that didn't answer my question tho."
"Right. Um, I think since third grade. You?"
"Sophomore, high school. When was his last relationship?"
"Late year."
"What happened?"
"Life happened." I nodded my head.
"Has he ever cheated?"
"How many girlfriends has he had?"
"That I know of, 5."
"How's his relationship with his mom?"
"Does he have sisters?"
"One sister, no brothers unless you will take me as his brother?"
"Are you related by blood?"
"No, just probably spent more time in his home the in my own,"
"Okay, so no. what is the worst thing he's ever done?"
"Um, the worst?"
"Yeah, the worst."
"Um okay, in high school he paid a guy to write his essay because he forgot and then didn't have time."
"Okay" I looked at him with narrowed eyes, to figure out if he was lying to make his friend look good.
"What is the worst thing you have done?" he smiled at my question.
"Oh, so we're talking about me now, well let me think. Okay, it's probably letting three girls think they were all dating me."
"To be fair, I never told them we were dating, so it's a little their fault."
"Who do you think you are, God?" I was shocked and slightly angry for those girls.
"You know what, I don't want to know about you, so back to Josh and what I asked you. Was he aware of what you were doing?"
"Why? Is that gonna tell you something?" He was saying it like he was trying to flirt with me.
"Was he?" I asked, ignoring him.
"He is my best friend, what do you think?" this guy.
"So, you are basically telling me that he's willing to let people get hurt just because you act like you're God and no one is of any value to you. Okay," I turned away from him.
"What no, I didn't say that Josh is a good guy." He was clearly panicking. I turn back a looked at him again.
"But if he is willing to keep his mouth shut about you fucking three girls, why would he not be able to cheat on my friend and if that's the type of relationship you guys have, why wouldn't you do the same for him? Lying that is,"
"Okay. He and I are two very different guys."
"Yeah, you're a douchebag and he's an accomplishment to your lies."
"Okay, you gonna sit there a say your friend never kept your secret?"
"Well, I didn't ask for the biggest secret he has kept for you, I ask if he was aware of what you were doing, and you didn't exactly tell me that he told the girls out of respect."
"I bet you if the roles were reversed you or your friend wouldn't have said something,"
"Well, it wouldn't ever be a thing, because we're not that big-headed, that fucking 3 guys at the same time and make them believe we were dating would be something that happened." I cut him off from what he was gonna say.
He sat there and looked at me for a good 10 seconds before he spoke.
"We were in high school, 16, being respectful toward girls back then was really something we thought of." I nodded my head as I looked at him.
"So, you two are different?"
"Yes, very,"
"Okay, but that doesn't change what I tell Willi. And now I can say that I not judging you just because you assume I had sex with you."
"Okay fine, but if she breaks up with him because of that, I will continue to still be in your life while we at college." He smirked at me.
"Okay, but back to the questions, is he a Serial killer?" I joked.
"No, but you never know." I shook my head at his answer.
"He's a good guy, and he likes Willow, it is Willow right."
"Yes, Willow." I looked away from him and there was a short silence.
"Now it got to my turn. How did you meet Willow?"
"In a gym class, when we both lied to the teacher that we were on our periods." I gave him a tight smile.
"And when was her last relationship?"
"It ended when we went off to college, him in one her in another."
"And what about yours?"
"What makes you assume I'm not in one?"
"Because that would make me sleep with you a little hard."
"Just a little?" I raised my eyebrows in question.
"Well, I tend to be much better than the other guys." He said with a smirk.
I looked up at the sky and let out a chuckle.
"God, who inflated your head to the size of the Grand Canyon." I looked back at him.
"Just wait, someday you will say; god Beckham you're the best sex I have ever had." That made me laugh aloud.
"But back to my questions, where are you from?"
"San Francisco."
"And what do you want to do after college?" he asked.
"I want to be a photographer."
"Your parents okay with that?"
"They don't really care what I do. What about you?"
"An architect, if I can do it."
"And why wouldn't you be able to do that, if I may ask?"
"You know it's a hard field."
He took a sip of his beer.
"You sure I haven't had sex with you?" I laughed at his joke.
"You think that highly of yourself, don't you?"
"What, I'm just making sure." He smiled.
"As I said I would rather eat a living beetle than have sex with you."
"You just saying that, because you are ashamed to think I'm so hot and you would love to get me in bed." I frowned trying to keep from smiling as I nodded my head.
"Well, I more the counter girl." I tried to say seriously.
"I'm more of the wall type, so we'll have to come to a compromise." He smirked.
I reached over and took his cup of beer with a matching smirk.
"I guess we do." I sat back on the step.
"Hey, that's mine." He leaned over me as I leaned back on the porch; placed my free hand on the deck, him placing a hand next to my left thigh.
"Hand it back." I held the beer above my head.
"Okay, okay." I laughed and held a hand out placing it on his hard chest in front of me.
He narrowed his eye at me; I pinched my lips together trying not to laugh.
He pulled back and I sat up.
"Okay, hand it over." He held out his hand.
I looked at his face, and quickly took all of the beer into my mouth, but before swallowing Beckham said.
"Hey what the fuck, that was mine." I raised my eyebrows and pointed at my mouth.
"Yes, the beer." I nodded my head.

Of course, he can have it back.

I placed my hands on his shoulders as I straddled him and pulled his hair to tilt his head back. I placed my thumb on his chin to open his mouth. I leaned over him and slowly let the beer run out of my mouth and into his.
After he got all of it, he swallowed and looked at me surprised. I licked my lips and smiled.
"There you go."
"I didn't think you were that type of girl." He had a big grin on his devilishly handsome face.
"What? Because I don't want to have sex with you?" I ran my fingers through his curly brown hair, tucking it. He let out a small moan.
"Well, maybe I will get you someday."
"Maybe; if you're lucky, but that day is not today, Beck." I smiled at him before getting up and walking away.
"Good night," Beckham said.
"Sweet dreams, Beck" I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled.
I walked home.


The Monday after, Willow and I were waiting for our next class; we were out on the field outside one of the buildings by the tree.
Willow was sitting against the tree as I was laying on my stomach on the grass in front of her.
I was reading a book for class while Willow was looking through my camera when she said.
"I think Josh is the one, Ox." I turned my head and looked at her over my shoulder.
"Really? You did hear what I told you right?" I asked as she looked at the camera with a smile.
"Yes, I heard, but I really think that, so do you like him?" She questions me.
"Well, considering I didn't talk to him and his friend an idiot. I'm not really a fan" I then turned back to my book.
"Well, I really think he's the one."
"Okay, I'll say you said that at your wedding." I joked with a smile, there's no way she's marrying this guy. I was still looking at my book, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Willow was smiling.
"Hey." I turned my head to the voice; it was Josh and Beckham was with him. I turned back to my book with a sigh.
"Hey Josh," Willow got up.
"Willow this is Beckham," Josh said.
"Hey, that over there is Octavia." I turned my head grinning, Willow pointed at me.
"Hey," Josh said.
I looked back at my book.
"I was wondering if maybe you if had time, we could go get coffee." Willow giggled, I close my eyes, oh god Willow.
"I don't have a class until in 40 minutes, so coffee sounds great." She clearly forgot about the coffee she already was drinking.
"Great," Willow said, I held out my hand for the camera.
I looked at Willow.
"My camera Willi." She looked at me.
"Right," she placed it in my hand.
I looked back at my book and placed the camera next to me.
"Okay, I'll see you later Ox."
"You miss me?" Beck crouched down by my head.
"No, did you miss me?" I smirked up at him.
He sat down next to my head with one leg stretched above my head and the other folded next to me.
"Maybe a little."
"Sucks for you." I smiled innocently at him.
"You know if they continue to date you gonna have to get used to me, Octavia." He grinned at me making me roll my eyes.
"Yeah well, we'll see."

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