i cry

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i cry.
because it's unfair.
because what i deal with isn't even a little of what women all over the world deal with on a daily basis.

it's unfair.
because based on my sex i'm treated differently.
because it's idiotic to think this way.

it's idiotic.
because these little differences have big consequences.
because it doesn't have to be this way.

that's why i cry.

i cry out to women.
to make a difference.
to make THEIR differences insignificant.
to embrace those differences at the same time.

i cry out to mothers.
to teach their daughters to be whoever they want.
that they don't have to be this girly girl.
they don't have to act like society has taught them.
inferior and always two steps behind.
that nothing can stop them.
that NO ONE can stop them.
NOT even men.

to teach their sons to be whoever they want.
that they don't have to be this manly man they see everywhere.
they don't have to act like society has taught them.
superior and always one step ahead.
that nothing can stop them.
that NO ONE can stop them.

i cry out to society.
change the things you have taught for they are wrong.
they have never been right.
they will never be right.

I cry out to every individual.
feeling different is good because every single one of us feels this way.
this doesn't mean you have to give up and stop being different.
no, it means to get off your behind and do something with those differences.
celebrate them, share them.

at last i cry out to my God.
to help me,
guide me,
and protect me.
to heal me,
and console me.
i thank my God for just being there,
just accepting me and just loving me.

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