the truth

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There's alot of things nobody knows about me , like how I dont actually use the tape from my quirk for everyday things,  it's to thick to tape paper with anyway . And I also dont spend all my time looking at memes and vines,  I look at them , but not every second of every day , I actually study instead . I also dont flirt , to women at least.

But there's one big thing people dont know about me , sero, or to bakugo tape face . I'm gay .... for .. denki . Like really , no joke . Hes just soooooo cute , hes a little shorter than me so he has to look up a bit to see me , hes so cute when he does that . And hes really clumsy and falls alot , he pouts when I have to help him up , and its soooooo cute!!!

And not to mention his undeniable resemblance to pikachu.  But then again,  were talking about denki , he flirts with girls all the time ! Literally. So there's no way he likes me , even if he does like dudes , probably not me .but I can't help but like him , he makes my heart flutter . And I can't escape it . But I dont want to lose him , well what I have with him , even if it's just friendship.  So I haven't told him . I dont plan on it either. WHAT AM 8 SUPPOSED TO DO!!! Hes so cute and I love him so badly,  but I can't tell him .

Beacause he couldn't like me , right?

kawaii- denki x sero Where stories live. Discover now