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Hi, first of all, thank you very much for clicking on this story, I promise I'll try to make the best of it so it's not wasting your time.

This is a fanfic about Wesley Stromberg, if you don't know him, he's a member of Emblem3 (you should definetely check out their music because they're amazing.) And the plot is kinda inspired by a tv show from Argentina called ''Aliados'' :) If you speak spanish then you should watch it too because it is very good and currently available on YouTube ;)

I really hope that you enjoy my story, I have to warn you it'll be a lot of fluff and very much drama because why not and I have to find something to spend my time into anyway :) So... I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave any kind of feedback, it would mean a lot to me, I'm trying to make this the best possible.
Anddd... enjoy :)

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