chapter 1: problems arise

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hey guys! I hope you enjoy this story, and sorry this first chapter is so long! 



"Ahh! Kacchan! I'm sorry! I didn't know!"


"Oi Bakugou! Its five in the morning, I want a little more sleep can you not-" Denki Kaminari stopped his sentence as his eyes traveled to Bakugou's chest, which was much more prominent than normal. "Yo, why do you have a pillow in your shirt?" Bakugou growls at Denki and lunged himself towards the boy when two arms wrapped around his torso and held him back.

"Bro, can we not start a fight right now? I'm tired and I want to get some shut eye before we have to leave for school." Kirishima grumbled sleepily.

"Oi shitty hair! Get your nasty hands off of me!"

"Are you going to stop fighting Midoriya?" bakugou grumbled unhappily and Kirishima sighed. "I can't let you go if your gonna start fighting again. Aizawa gave me strict orders to not let you get into more fistfights before the sun is up."

"Yeah, well that dumb teacher can go fuck himself for all I care! JUST LET ME GET ONE MORE HIT IN!"

"Yeah... nope." that's when Sero walked in.

"Hey, what's with all the noise? I'm tryin' to-" he paused and scanned bakugou. "Bro... what did you put in your shirt? A pillow?" Denki snapped his head in the direction of Sero, pointing in his direction,

"That's what I said! But then Midoriya would have put a pillow in his shirt. He also would have had to grow his hair out somehow." everyone looked towards Midoriya, making said boy flush deeply.

"Wait a minute..." Kirishima looked to bakugou to see the said boy had a prominent chest as well. Kirishima blushed red and jumped back with his hands in the air.

Woah! Sorry man! Didn't know you had boobs!"

"Then be more observant, shitty hair! Wait, NO! Don't look at my chest! Why are you looking at my chest anyway?!"

"What do you think caused this?" Denki interrupted the squabble.

"If I had to make a guess, I think it had something to do with the quirk of the villain that we three fought yesterday," Todoroki answered, popping up behind Sero.


"YOU THINK YOUR GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS?! HELL NA!" bakugou started to send explosions towards the villain as they tried desperately to avoid them. Midoriya chased after the villain as well as Todoroki, who tried to freeze the villain in place. Bakugou was the first to be hit with the quirk. It hit him in the chest and made him stumble back a bit. When nothing happened, Bakugou smirked at the villain. "What the hell do you think hitting me with a cat toy lasers gonna do to me?!" he chuckled before going back at him. Eventually, the villain was retrained by Todoroki.

End of flashback:

Todoroki also had a chest, his not as big as Bakugou's or Midoriya's, but it was there. His hair was long and looked almost magical, with bangs on his forehead. "Can we find a way to reverse this? I feel slightly uncomfortable like this." they all gaped at him as well.

"What?! Half-and-half as well?!" bakugou yelled looking at the boy. "This is your fault too! I WILL KILL YOU!" he lunged himself at him but Kirishima sighed and said,

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