Zephyr and the Night-Light

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This is a companion one-shot to my other one-shot named "Nuffink and the Night-Light", it was only fair for her to get a one-shot like this! This one takes place a few weeks after Nuffink's tale.

This is an AU where the dragons didn't leave Berk after Grimmel's defeat. Zephyr would be around 4-5, Nuffink is 1 and the Night-Lights were born a few weeks earlier.

Summary: AU-Dragons didn't leave Berk. Zephyr was walking down the village when she found herself a new friend and this Night-Light wasn't willing to let the girl get away without playing with him. This follows my one-shot "Nuffink and the Night-Light".

FUN FACT: Today, March 26this the anniversary of HTTYD, since its first release was on that day in 2010! So I needed to celebrate my favorite movie by posting something, hehehe

Zephyr and the Night-Light

Nuffink banged his tiny hands on the table, for him it was only a play, but Zephyr was tired of it. The little boy just wouldn't stop!

"Mommy! Make him stop!"

"Zef, I know it's annoying, but that's what babies do. At least he's eating and not crying anymore..." Astrid replied as she put a spoon of soup in Nuffink's mouth. Indeed, he wasn't crying, but now he was so full of energy, wiggling around and making noises; his big sister has had enough.

"I can't take it anymore... Where's daddy?"

"Some Vikings were having arguments and he went with them to try to stop them..."She sighed. She knew how boring her husband's task was, but she was getting fed up with her son's cries for the moment. "Maybe next time I'll go instead..." 

"Mommy... Can I go outside?"

"You know you're too young to play outside alone."

"Please, mommy! I won't go far, I promise."

"Zef..." Her voice trailed off at the same time Nuffink started getting even more active.

"Letme go to Grandma's house, please..."

"Alright... But you're not going alone." Astrid stood up and walked Zephyr to the door; with a whistle, she called Stormfly. The dragon landed right in front of them. "Now, Zephyr, pay attention, don't wander off, go to grandma's house and if she's not there, you come straight back here, do you understand?"

"Yes, mommy..."

"And don't even think in flying alone. You're not old enough, so don't try to mount Stormfly." Then she turned to the dragon and petted her blue scales. "Now, old friend, take care of her, please. Don't let her go to the forest or anywhere else besides Valka's, okay?"

The dragon chirped in reply and as soon as she could, the little girl was sauntering away. Stormfly followed her. Astrid observed them for a while and then returned to finish feeding Nuffink.


Meanwhile, Zephyr was walking happily to Valka's home, greeting people that passed by. A dark mass flew in front of her – or rather crash-landed –, making her stop in her tracks to look at what was that. The little dragon looked like Toothless, but with white spots and blue eyes.

"You're a Night-Light!" She jumped in joy. "I remember you! You licked my hand!"

The dragon tilted his head curiously, looking at the girl. She knelt on the ground and remembered her father's lessons, extending a hand to the baby dragon. Stormfly chirped behind Zephyr, observing the interaction between the two.

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