Chapter one The life of a city boy

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Newton Isaacs loved the city it was always full of life and sound it was perfect, but Newt loved the flowers in the city and that's why he got a job as a gardener. He worked everyday making the city look pretty.

"Where do you want these Newt?" Newt looked up at the teen boy holding a bunch of flowers.

"Just over there Gally"

"Okay" Gally Green had been Newt's best since school ,the two met as kids and it went on from there, Gally was always helpful and never let Newt down that's why they were friends. "So are you going to that gardening show tomorrow?" Gally asked, Newt rolled his eyes sighing.

"Gally you know I can't do the show I have to much to do around the shop and to many people want their flowers done tomorrow I have no time" he grabbed a bunch of flowers walking away Gally behind him.

"Oh come on Newt you will love it and your the best gardener around" he chuckles.

"I wouldn't say I'm the best one around there are many others who have a shot at winning tomorrow I'm just letting them have a chance" Gally rolled his eyes grabbing Newt's hand.

"Think about it okay?" 

"Fine I'll think about it but only if you do it with me" Gally smiled brightly.

"Of course you need your best friend to do this" later Newt was looking through his stuff at the shop when a man walked in.

"Hi welcome to Flower Power how may I help you?" 

"Well hello there may I just say that your shop is amazing" Newt smiled.

"Oh thanks I made the shop from a design I did ages ago and that's how the shop was made"

"Wow amazing say are you going to enter the gardening show tomorrow?" 

"I'm still thinking about it" the man gasped a little.

"I don't think there is anything to think about you should enter" Newt looked up at the man.

"You really think so?" the man placed his hand on Newt's shoulder.

"I know so" Newt smiled happily.

"Did you need anything sir?" the man shook his head.

"Oh no I just came to have a look around your lovely shop anyway goodbye now" he smiled walking out the shop this made Newt happy, that people thought he had chance of winning, that they believed in him made everything clear. He was gonna enter the show and show those people what he could do.

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