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I recently got tagged to answer these questions by my sis, blissfullyenchanted

Please excuse the lack of a question 1, the person who first tagged people left out that question.


2. What kinds of things really make me laugh?

Cute fandom shit, cliche books on wattpad and definitely my friends....they always know how to make my laugh.

3. What's you favourite place in the entire world?

I would say school, and before any of you get any ideas, it is not because I like school (school absolutely sucks) but its the only place I can hang out with my non-biological family (aka. my best friends).

4. Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her?

I have a group of really close friends that are like family to me, but if i had to choose one (it's only one right), then i would have to say blissfullyenchanted, who has stuck with me through thick and thin, put up with my crazy personality and my hormonal ass for the past three years. I love how she can always find the silverlining is almost any situation, with her amazing smile and bubbly aora. (I love you bae❤)

5. Favourite movie of all time? Why so?

Oooohhhhhhh this is a hard one. I guess my favourite movie would be oviously from one of disney's amazing collection, so, I choose Moana. That movie was absolutely amazing and I loved the silly chicken (what's his name again?) and the little pig. Plus I feel like i can sorta relate to the themes in the movie.....in a non-cliche ....of wanting to make my family happy and to forfill their expectations but wanting to do it my own way (if that makes any sense).

of wanting to make my family happy and to forfill their expectations but wanting to do it my own way (if that makes any sense)

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6. What's your biggest goal in life right now?

My biggest goal is getting back into my parents good books as I have not been the 'best' daughter lately, plus they took a whole heap of my shit and as I have said before I only get to see my friends at school. I hoping if I'm good enough, I can get more freedom.

7. What is your favourite way to spend a Saturday?

Reading......no, sleeping in. Sleeping in, relaxing with a good book and being alowed to stay up past 7.30pm.

8. Do you have any pet peeves

Hmmm....obnoxious laughing. It's like those people want the whole room to know that they found that something funny. *cough* my brother *cough*.

9. What was your family like growing up?

To be honest, a mess. There was never a dull moment in my household, that's for sure. But, not to be cliche or anything, I personally don't think I will be the same person I am today if I was brought up differently. I guess i could say it helped me develop some serious life skills.

10. What were you like as a kid?

I was cute, I was oblivious and didn't have a care in the world. I used to be really bossy, I would always say that I will do everything for everyone. I never let anyone help me, even if I was clearly struggling and it took me forever, I just had to do it myself.

11. What should I know about you that i'd never think to ask?

I like to imagine a world where fairytales exist and all the fantasy worlds that I have read about were real. Like if i wanted to have a group therapy session with Loki and Thor, I could. Or even fly around on Xera with Alex Jennings  

12. Did you - or do you - have a nickname?

Don't get me started on those......it could take up a whole chapter.

13. Who was your favourite schoolteacher or college professor? Why?

Miss Cuttcliffe, I thinkI spelt that wrong. But anyways, she was my grade 5-7 french teacher. She was the youngest teacher I ever had and consequenly ahe ended up being my best friend back at my old school. Since I was bullied and surrounded by not very nice people constantly at school, I spent my lunches with her and we would take about feels, books, movies and just random shit in general. Plus she remembered my birthday and gave me a card and a small present for those two years I had with her. So yeah, definately the best.

14. Have you figured out your calling in life? What is it?

Nah, probs won't know 'til I finish senior year.

15. What do you hate most about dating?

I don't know cause I never dated before, and I was raised never hate something I have never tried......unless its brussel sprouts.

Now I tag:


- shaysherixo

- chapstickbetty




Hope my answers satisfy those of you reading this 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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