The Last 'Goodbye'

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[A/N: Hellο! I was very emotional while writing this and I almost cried towards the end. I hope you like it. Don't hesitate to comment your opinion.
xoxo, Joe.]

" I'm sorry... I can't fight it anymore. I love you."
After that I hear a thud and choking and then the line is cut.

No. It can't be. She wouldn't -

Refusing to believe any of this I rush to my car and drive as fast as I can to our apartment.
I open the door and stand still as I take in the sight in front of me.

" Layla ", is all I can say.

Layla's eyes are wide open and looking straight at me. My heart pounds in my chest. The loud thud I heard on the phone was the chair she stood on before taking her own life.

Reality starts to kick in and I start panicking. Tears are streaming from my eyes as I scream her name over and over again.
I call the police and at the top of my lungs tell them that my beautiful wife committed suicide.

Taking my eyes off her I observe the living room. We had so many happy moments in here. But now all I see is blood on the walls and things thrown all over the floor.

As if she was fighting with herself.

I return my eyes on Layla and notice the bleeding wounds on her arms and thighs.

She hurt herself.

On the floor beside the fallen chair lays a yellow post-it note. I read it:
" Brandon, I can't take it anymore. I see Jake in my dreams every night for the past 6 months. He begs me to go to him. He wants his mummy. After his death, I can't seem to be able to go back to our happy times. I'm sorry. Please forgive my selfishness. I love you, honey. "

I read the note again. And again. I feel hopeless. I am suffering too. But she decided to leave me on my own.
I go to our bedroom and take the family photo album in my hands. Flipping through the pages I see Layla and our son Jake smile brightly at the camera. I find myself smiling bitterly at the photo.
Without realizing I lose consciousness.

Why does this dream feel so real? It's just a memory from six months ago right before Jake's death. We are at the playground.
Jake is 4 years old now. We play around all three of us together running and kicking his little ball. However, the ball goes too far and reaches the road. Jake runs towards the ball while Layla and I run after him screaming for him to come back. We don't make it in time.

In a moment everything comes crashing down as I see my son's body getting hit by a speeding car, being thrown in the air and hitting the ground with force.

Layla screams his name and I rush to his side. The sight is horrible. He was instantly dead. His left arm was dislocated and his skull is broken. There is blood everywhere. He isn't breathing and his heart has stopped beating in his chest. His eyes are closed but there is a tear falling from his eye.

I look back to Layla who sits on the ground looking at me with hope. But I shake my head and look at the ground. That's when Layla loses it and starts crying and shouting. She breaks down. I look at my son.

Why? WHY?!

My eyes are blurry. But then... The scenery changes and everything is white. In the distance I see both Layla and Jake waving and walking towards me smiling. I start to run towards them. I miss them so much. I am almost there -

" Sir?"
I wake up from my dream; my cheeks are wet.

" Sir are you alright?" I look up and see a police officer. He is kind of fat for this kind of job.
I nod and he continues.

" Mr. McConnor you need to answer some questions." he says with a low voice.

" Okay.." I cringe at the sound of my voice.

" Please come with us."


It's been 8 months since Layla's death and I'm holding up thanks to my sister and her family. I haven't been to our home since then. But I go visit their graves regularly.
I've thought it through a lot this past months, though. I need to give time to myself to heal. I am sure they wouldn't want me sulking for the rest of my life.

I need to go back to my patients soon. My career is rising up too.
So I decided to leave London and travel the world to find my purpose in life.

So here I am in front of my beloved wife's and son's graves bitting them goodbye for the last time in a while.

" Watch me from above. Both of you. I love you.", I mutter.

And with that... I leave.

                      ~ The End.~

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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