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After the man entered the nightclub it was like he was in another world, totally different from the one he was previously in, just a few moments ago. The music was way too loud, the air seemed hazy all of a sudden and the first thing you'd see are the dozens of people clashing their bodies together following the same rhythm. The man had to blink a couple of times before his eyes got used to the new lighting that was darker and redder. He walked slowly towards the bar, which wasn't as big as expected, feeling each step sinking just a little in the carpeted floor. Now, that he came to think of it, the whole Sweet Poison nightclub wasn't as big and luxurious as he thought it would be.

His eyes kept shifting from person to person, looking for a very specific someone, but to no luck. He was so immersed in his search he even ignored the live dancing performance that made the place look more like a brothel than a regular nightclub, not that he was expecting one anyway. The man gets to the bar, already sitting in one of the stools and getting curious looks from the two bartenders, even though they were serving other clients. He decides to ignore the strange looks, he's too focused now on finding that person, and started to think maybe he is in the wrong place after all.

For a moment, he stops looking at the crowd of people and glances at the performance that's keeping everyone so damn distracted. His eyes widen and his jaw almost drops when he sees the performer, the man he was looking for but way too different from what he expected. He looks amused and seductive while he dances like his whole body was his work of art, all dressed in black with his leather pants and silk shirt, slightly unbuttoned. He looks good and he knows it because no one can take their eyes off of him while he teasingly moves his hips, or while he throws smirks at the crowd, or much less when he tilts his head slightly trying to look so innocent and showing off his light pink hair.

The man surely didn't expect that the person he was looking for was like that and while that amazed him in some ways it also made him very curious. Now everything suddenly felt like a very interesting game he'd love to take part in. His eyes couldn't look away, the dancer was beautiful indeed, even though being charming and good looking was one of the perks of being a faerie, something he would know particularly very well, but still, he was surely stunned by the sight. The man was certain that's the person he was looking for and the dark stripe on the dancer's wrist and the red marks under his eyes were the confirmation he was looking for in every person he had laid eyes on since he stepped inside the club, even though the marks were now covered in glitter and looked more like a new make-up trend. He didn't know that was the kind of person he was going to meet when he began his search, but then again he also didn't know about the third bartender that was hiding behind counter since the very first second he saw him coming through the doors of the Sweet Poison nightclub.

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