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       Chapter I : My Heart Belongs To You

Marnie Aisling walked with silent steps on the snowy ground, her hazel eyes calm. The breeze sifted through the trees above her, rattling the brittle branches.

Snap! Marnie's expression instantly resurfaced into focus. She looked around. A fox, she concluded, shrugging. But she stayed attuned to her surroundings as she continued to walk.

Jacob's black eyes watched the girl silently from behind his hiding place—a wide pine tree. The girl was pretty, with long mahogany hair and pale skin. She resembed a girl he thought he knew almost to the point of strangeness...the wolf pushed the
thought far behind him.

He refocused on the girl. She was still walking, her features relaxing the farther she went. Jacob tensed, then flew to a tree close to her. He wasn't careless this time, and he was entirely silent, but he noticed the tension as it visibly changed her posture. He was unsure why he was so drawn to her...

Marnie's skin prickled, and the glacier temperature of her insticts iced her sides in stabbing frigidness. She flew around, gasping. "Who's there?" Her voice cracked. The wolf froze, ready to run, but Jacob was fascinatedly irritated. How did she know he was there? The wolf's mind pulled at him, telling him to run, but Jacob was too interested.

The wolf's jaw set, Jacob's eyes narrowed. His paw was in mid-air, trapped between the mind of wolf and man that Jacob had forced apart. Jacob, who was only wolf ever since...well, Jacob, who was only wolf to protect himself from the pain, was only irritated with the limits this gave him.

Stubborn, Jacob started to struggle through the barrier that kept his actions and thoughts dominated by wolf. With a giant heave, Jacob resurfaced. Jacob was blank for a moment. Jacob's vision went black before a searing tearing ripped through his chest that he knew wasn't physical.

The complexity of the human mind filled his head, and he, unused to it, sat stunned Thoughts that he'd pushed far, far away resurfaced. Bella...

Marnie's ground slipped from under her, landing hard, when a howl tore through the forest. It was the most tortured sound she'd ever heard. She watched, her heart thudding uncontrollably nearly out of her chest, as a large red-brown creature came within ten feet of her, writhing in obvious pain.

Marnie's scream was locked in her chest, buried beneath thick layers of sheer terror and confusion. Her breath caught raggedly in her lungs when it's head swung around to her view, the giant wolf still writhing in torture she could imagine so terrible that tears filled her eyes. It's eyes met hers. They were black, blacker than any eyes she'd ever seen. He filled her with his pain, her eyes lost in bottomless pitts of black agony.

Jacob opened his eyes. Depression poured down his spine in blunt stabs. He closed his eyes again. Bella. Bella...Bella. He couldn't shake the name out of his head. It filled every inch of him, poured into all of his wounds, sealing them with acid. He wanted her there, with him, staring at him with those large dark eyes, filled with worry...No.

Bella wouldn't care about him now. She was one of them now, surely...wasn't she? Hope called loudly to him despite his efforts to keep it down. How many days had it been...Jacob didn't have any notion of the date.

Jacob knew, though, that his love for her would still exist strongly, no matter how disgusted he would surely be. But...could he WANT to kill her? Would that sickening sweetness incline him to rip her to shreds? Jacob felt the liquid glass in his eyes deepen, and he refused to open them, refused to cry. After he was sure, he opened his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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