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So I am rewriting this book because it was really badly written! Updates will be for sure every Sunday, also might add some updates other days though!
(C/s)- Crush's School
(C/n)- Crush's Name
(Y/n)- Your Name
(Bff/n)- Best Friend's Name
(F1/N)- Friend One's Name
(F2/N)- Friend Two's Name
(C/#)- Crush's Number (as in jersey)
(C/bff)- Crush's Best friend
(C/F/1/N)- Crush's Friend One's Name
(Y/T/P/N)- Your Tall Players Name
This book is a Crush x Reader book but I understand the requirements for you Crush in this book are a lot so if you wanna just name them or comment if you want a second version with gifs of the people and names.

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