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Prologe: The past

Smoke! I smell smoke! Oh my gosh were is my ... couph ... door? It's so dark and hot!

  "Lilly! Lillan! Where are you?" I hear a male and female scream.

 I tried to say "Here"! but I just started couphing. The male who the voice belonged to came pounding up the stairs and the hall. Then two seconds later came crashing through my door. The open door let in more smoke which made me couph even harder and the room darker. Luckily the man had a flash light and found me by siting on a huge trunk near the open window.

 When I saw him I got up and tried to lift the heavy trunk like mommy told me to do when some one came to get me. But it was to heavy and so I let the man help me push it out the big winddow. Then I let him pick me up so that I could be carried to safty also just like my mommy told me to do. She had told me that it was veary important for me to not fight the person, no mater what. Now being only six I understood that what I had to do was serious and I could not mess up not once. He made sure the cold,wet, blanket covred me completly. When he was satified that I was covered he quickly started to carry me the stair case. Then as we desended I tryed to tell him we could not leave whith out my babbybrother. All that came out was hard couphs that shook my whole body. In responce he picked up his pace.

 As he tried to carry me quickly down the buurning stairs, and me trying not to cough up my lungs, we didn't notice that the roof was caving in. A beam, on fire, fell in front of us. The man tried to run, so it wouldn't hit us and trap us. Unfortently a large chuck broke off and hit me in the forhead.

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