Day One : We are Muppets, We are Babies

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It was a sunny afternoon in the nursery. Kermit was playing on the seesaw, piggy was lecturing to him on how he was being careless on the seesaw. 

"What do you mean, Piggy?" Kermit asked, he sounded calm, collected, curious, but a deep rage ravaged within him.

Piggy thinks she's the best, that she is queen of the nursery.

Kermit thought how he wished he could knock Piggy down a peg or two.

"Since you are being reckless, Kermit, then I shall take it upon myself to ride the seesaw myself."

"Don't be that way you guys!" Out came Fozzie, the silly little bear.

Both Muppet Babies looked at Fozzie, then back at each other.

"Fozzie is right, we can both ride the seesaw, together!" Piggy chimed.

"That's right, together!" Kermit, reluctantly, said.

The two played for what felt like hours, the sun was beginning to lower down, soon hidden behind the trees, the dark night sky castes upon the nursery.

The kids kept playing either way, waiting on Miss Nanny to call them back in. Yet as time went on, she never did come out.

Out came the rest of the Muppet Babies from the inside of the nursery.

"Where is Miss Nanny?" Kermit asked the group.

"We were going to ask you!" said Summer.

The Muppet Babies all felt a bit shaken up that Miss Nanny was no where to be found. Perhaps she was in the restroom? Maybe she went out for some air? Maybe she forgot all about them!

The babies started to all cry, then they realized they weren't all there.

Where was Animal?

A loud bang sound could be heard from inside the Nursery.

"G-guess we should check that o-out." Kermit said in a whisper, just loud enough to be heard.

Kermit trembled, walking towards the nursery, the rest followed suit.

The door slowly creaked open as Kermit was being cautious. 

"Animal?" he called out.

The rest started calling for him.

Suddenly, a noise was heard.

Animal came out from the restroom, holding onto his stomach. Guess the baked beans and mac n cheese got to him.

The Muppet Babies laughed, but still did not know where Miss Nanny was.

"Animal, did you see Miss Nanny?" Asked Gonzo.

Animal simply shook his head.

"I'm too stressed for this." Summer said, the others impressed by her wide vocabulary.

She went to her cubby and grabbed her safety blanket, singing to herself to soothe her nerves.

"I want it, I got it... I want it, I got it... You like my hair?  Gee, thanks just bought it." She sang a bit out of tune.

"Jam, jam, jam!" Animal practically yelled, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, that's my jam too." Fozzie said, snapping his fingers to Summer singing.

"Jam, jam, jam!" Animal said again, this time pointing.

"We get it, it's your jam!" Piggy said, her arms crossed as she was clearly annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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