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  • Dedicated to Lollipop Girl


         The sun was not out today. Dark clouds blocked the sun and rumbled, threatening to let the rain down in any second. Chanel sat beside the window, peering outside at the grey sky. She was in a bad mood. She always liked the sun and was always in a funk on dark days. Her mom called Chanel her little ball of sunshine.

“Honey, come here.” Chanel shifted her attention to her mother. Her mommy had blonde hair while her hair was a light golden brown color. In the sunlight some strands shone like gold. Chanel slid off the chair and trudged slowly to her mother.

Her mother pulled her into a tight embrace and ran her fingers through Chanel’s golden curls. “Honey you can’t be like this every time it looks like it’s going to rain.”

“But I don’t like it when the sky turns grey.” Her mother chuckled, and ruffled her curls.

“How about I take you out to get ice cream? But only if you pinky promise to get out of this funk.” She stuck out her pinky.

Chanel pondered over it for a few moments before grinning widely. “Okay, I pinky promise!”

Her mother got up on her feet and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go then.”


Chanel pressed her face against the cool glass, gazing in wonderment at all the varieties of ice cream. “Sweetie, do you know what you want yet?”

Chanel shook her head. Then her eyes landed on the strawberry ice cream. “Mommy, can I have gummy bears on top of my ice cream?”

She laughed, “Sure, anything for you.”

Chanel smiled so widely that her cheeks hurt. She pointed at the strawberry ice cream. “I want that one!”

Chanel held her ice cream cone tightly and licked her ice cream happily. She was literally glowing with happiness.

Her mother watched Chanel carefully. Any normal person could tell that it was not normal, what kind of child glowed? At first she was alarmed but she soon grew used to it. Even so, she loved Chanel with all her heart. She did not know who Chanel’s father was. It was a mistake, but it was one that she did not regret. But sometimes, she wondered what it would be like to finish college and live her life freely right now. She was only twenty-four and while she was taking care of a child, others her age were out partying.

She shook her head and cleared her thoughts. They were at the park now. Chanel tugged on her sleeve and looked up with blue eyes. “Mommy can I go on the swings?”

She smiled, “Sure Honey, do you want me to push you?”

Chanel shook her head furiously, “No, I’m going to do it by myself.”

She chuckled, “Fine, but don’t wander off.” She felt fine with letting Chanel play around by herself. They lived in a nice neighborhood and a low fence surrounded the park. She would see anyone if they came in. Chanel raced off with her blonde curls flying behind her.

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