Lucy's Pov Ch 1

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There was a princess in the era of giants, dragons, fairies, and wizards in the kingdom of Fiore. The princess always wanted to be a mage, it was her dream. The magic she wanted to do was hard to master and very complex but she was willing to do whatever it took to make her dream come true.

Being the princess meant she had responsibilities and her father would never allow her to go out and do magic to help others, not because he didn't want to help them but because it was too dangerous. He had already lost his queen and didn't want to lose his daughter. They were eating at the Dinner table when Lucy tried to persuade him one last time before possibly giving up.

"Father, please! I beg of you! This is what I want to do with my life! Please, let me go!" Lucy pleaded. She had been trying to get him to see her side, and to know this is what she needed, what she wanted more than anything but clearly no matter what, he'd never allow it. 

"Lucy, you know better than to ask me that! You know how that worked out with your Mother! I lost her, I will not lose you! You'll stay here forever if that is what has to happen." Her father yelled.

"Don't you dare say that. She was better than any of us and she was just seeking out the life she desired!" Lucy didn't understand how her father could not agree and hear what she was saying. Like she was a prisoner in her own castle. 

"Lucy! That's enough! You are to never to leave this Castle! EVER, for as long as I am King!" The King stormed out of the dining hall leaving Lucy to eat and cry in her sorrows.

Later that night Lucy sketched a plan of escape. She knew every nook and cranny of the palace and new secret ways in and out. She hadn't done this before cause she always thought her father would be lenient. She knew he was just frightened of losing her but in her way, he already did. 

"All right, now to just execute my plan without alerting the royal guards, my father, and citizens." Lucy mumbled to herself.

Two royal guards were stationed outside her door, they're shifts would change every three hours. When the two guards finished their shift they walked right down the hall instead of waiting for the other guards to show, just like always.

She had only a few minutes to leave her room without being noticed. Tough part was the halls were so long and they echo. The guards, if she ran, would be able to hear her. "Ok, go time!" Lucy told herself.

Lucy ran out the door and down the hallway. If she could make it past the corner she could go through a hidden door in the wall that leads to a tunnel that then leads outside the Castle gates and into the town.

Turning the corner she saw her Father talking to someone. She sighed. She didn't want to leave like this but she didn't have a choice. She quickly ran to the secret door in the wall, glancing for a second back at her Father before she entered the passageway.

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