Stonner Leaggue

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Narrator - In a world full of danger four superhero's take it in full speed. Well they're not actually that fast they're stoners what do you expect you know.

Someone near the narrator shouts "GET ON WITH IT"

Narrator - Alright relax, as I was saying. They're smart, strong, fearless, and oh yeah they're stoners. We catch our heros hard at work at stonner leagge.

Stoner 1 - "Alright you guys we have a big choice to make"

Smokes a lot - That's for sure, these are the challenges we face as people!

Stoner 1 - We're ordering a pizza you guys want pepperoni or sausage?

Everybody starts yelling at once and a brawl erupts between people who want pepperoni and people who want sausage.

Suddenly president Trump appears on screen. "What are you guys doing are guys high again? Didn't you learn anything from our drink fest last night?"

Stoner 1 - Yeah that was crazy remember when President Trump lost his hair?

Trump - (Trump is pissed off) Because you threw it out the window!

Stoner 2 - Man you were so pissed off.

Trump - It's alright I bought some new hair this morning.

Stoner 3 - Looks good, looks real.

Trump - Alright let's get serious what's the agenda today.

Stoner 1 - Let's see... some robbery, some murders.

Trump - No no no where are we with the border wall.

Stoner 3 - Mr. President... we don't have anything to do with that.

Trump - Are you sure? Who's going to deport all the Mexicans?

Suddenly the alarm goes off and the leagge springs into action. Trump runs into the bathroom.

Trump - You guys go ahead that breakfast burrito is not agreeing with me.

Stoner 2 - I told you but noooo you wanted extra onion.

Stonner leaggue is now in the city and they see a large explosion nearby. Everyone starts running and screaming in panic.

Random woman in area - What the fuck is that?! Oh my God what is that?!

Stonner leaggue all at once - I-i-i-it's a giant robotic Hillary Clinton!

Trump - this is worse than I thought! Hillary this is not right there is better ways to deal with defeat!

Robotic Hillary - Hillary smash!!!!

Trump -  My hair! I just got it!

Narrator - Suddenly our heros jump into action.

Stoner 1 - Hillary that's enough!

Stonner leaggue blows smoke into Hillary's face.

Robotic Hillary - NOOOOOOOOOOO

Robotic Hillary starts short circuiting and moves very slowly towards the stonner leaggue before she stops completely.

Trump - You guys have saved the day once again!

Stoner 4 - Is there anything weed doesn't help?

Narrator - It doesn't help you get a job.

Everybody starts laughing.

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