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hi i'm rhi and i wrote this story when i was 13 but i decided to redo it completely on here. it was... fairly popular on quotev i suppose??? but my writing was so bad then i didn't even wanna look at it anymore so here we are 

this is going to be another one of those urushihara living with you cause sadao and ashiya didn't want him type of stories but instead i kind of want this to take place in high school????? cause i've never seen one of those lol so let's go 

so yeah you go to school with chiho which is pretty much how you meet everyone 

sorry if anyone gets ooc i haven't watched this anime in like a year 

you guys should know what y/n, h/c, etc means by now 


Your alarm went off, causing you to wake up. You groaned, slammed your fist onto it and slowly sitting up. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was in a disarray, you looked at the time and realized you were... actually awake on time for once?? Way to go you. 

You got out of bed, walking to your bathroom and stripping for your shower. The hot water felt amazing on your skin. You made sure to put in lots of conditioner, considering how messy your hair was. After your shower, you got dressed in your uniform, and blow-dried your hair. You brushed your teeth, then went down for breakfast. You ate your pancakes while checking Snapchat and Instagram. You replied to streaks then headed out the door. 

You were walking to school, when you heard a familiar voice behind you. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" You turned to see your friend and coworker, Chiho. You both applied to MgRonalds over the summer and both got hired, so you both had grown closer despite not having many classes together. You both lived pretty close to each other, only two blocks apart, so you two walk to school together every morning and home together every afternoon. 

"Hey Chi, what's up?" You smiled at her. You both made small talk the whole way to school. 

~Time skip to lunch because i hate school so why should i write fun details about the day lol~ 

You pulled out your bag of (favorite chips/snack/whatever), and dug in. 

"Y/N, shouldn't you be eating more healthy things for lunch?" Chi looked at you with her mouth full of her sandwich. 

"This is all I had. We need to go grocery shopping." You replied as you stuck the snack in your mouth. 

"Come on, I'll take you to the cafeteria and we can get you something!" She grabbed your hand, pulling you out of your seat. 

"Chi that really won't be necessary-" You tried to argue but she ignored you. She dragged you down, carrying her food while you carried yours. You sighed. 

You hesitantly picked out some sweets to get, and she paid for you, which you were grateful for because she left you no time to grab your money. 

After lunch, you headed to art class. You continued a doodle you had been working on, plugging in your earbuds and listening to (favorite artist). Another boring day. Luckily, spring break was coming soon. You only had tomorrow, and then you were free. 

~Time skip to home~ 

You changed out of your uniform to something more comfy, when you got a text from your boss. You were needed at work asap. You grumbled slightly, going to change to your work clothes. You hopped on your bike and left. 

Once you arrived, you saw that it was packed. You sweatdropped. You parked your bike on the side of the building then went in through the back. 

"Hey Y/N!" One of your coworkers called to you. You smiled and said hi. 

"Y/N, boss said you need to work the cash registers with me." Chi walked up to you, dragging you to the cash registers. 

One of your regulars showed up, to which you greeted. 

"Hey Emi! The usual?" You smiled at her. 

"Yes please, but add a small fry on the side." She replied with a small smile, grabbing her wallet out of her purse. 

"Okay, that will be $5.50." You replied after a few clicks on the cash register. She gave you the amount, then went to wait for her order. 

After dinner rush died down, you peacefully went home on your bike. Once you changed out of your clothes, you flopped on your bed and drifted off to sleep. 


i hope this is a good first chapter. idk when i'll make a new one so just look out for it i guess 

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