One shot Lucifer

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There once was this girl that had no friends, no one would talk to her because they all thought she was strange. Her parents weren't good either, they both were very abusive toward her so she had no one to talk to. With the people at school, she was bullied. One day when she was in her room crying to herself she heard a voice 

"What is a matter little girl?" it asked she looked up

"Who said that?" she asked 

"Why are you crying?" it asked her again

"Everyone hates me and thinks that I'm strange and different. My parents are also mean to me" she said to the voice. She didn't know who the voice belonged to 

"It's ok I'm here. I will help you through this" it said 

"You will?" she sniffled 

"Yes, what is your name?" 

"It's (F/N)" she said 

"Well (F/N), I'm Lucifer and I will be your friend" from then on (F/N) had become close friends with this voice named Lucifer who helped her through this tragic moment of her life. At the age of 14, it started turning better. Her parents finally stopped what they were doing to her and the kids started liking her. She started to make friends but she and Lucifer grew further apart because of this. Until they couldn't talk to each other again. 

15 years later 

(F/N) is now 21 with an apartment, friends and is roommates with Rika. Right now she is in her room getting ready for some people coming over. 


I'm moving my stuff in my room since some of Emi's friends are coming over for a sleepover and some will be in my room. I was making my room neater since she said it wasn't. 

*Ding Dong* 

"I got it" Rika said running toward the door "Oh come in guys," she said I heard foot walk inside with the door closing behind them. I walked out to see who Emi's friends were since I've never met them. She talks about them all the time and even stalks them. Honestly, I think she has a crush on one of them but she denies it every time. 

When I walked into the living room they were all boys

'These are the please she needs to watch' I thought 'This girl is crazy' 

"Oh (F/N) these are Emi's friends she was talking about," Rika said from the kitchen as she was fixing something for us to eat 

"Hi (F/N) I'm Maou" the dark green haired boy introduced "That's Ashiya and Urushihara" pointing to the blonde boy and then the purple hair boy who was sitting on the floor. 

"Well it's nice to meet all of you," I said they all waved while Urushihara stared at the floor 

"Hey, Urushihara are you ok?" I asked concerned he looked at me and nodded. 

A few hours later

We were all laying on the floor watching a horror movie that Rika decided to watch to scare us all but backfired. I was about to go to sleep when I felt everyone start to get up 

"I'm going to bed," Rika said, "You guys can sleep here while Urushihara sleeps with (F/N)" she said 

"Ok," I said standing up and heading to my room. I turned around to see that Urushihara wasn't following me, "Are you coming?" I asked 

"Don't you dare do anything to her you NEET!" Emi yelled at him 

"I won't jeez," he said following me. 

Urushihara POV

This can't be her. She isn't going to hear me if I do. I might as well try and see. Man, she looks good after these years. 


He started walking over to the floor while I was crawling into the bed 

"What are you doing?" I asked 

"Well don't I sleep on the floor?" he asked 

"No, you're sleeping in my bed" 

"Then where are you sleeping?" 

"My bed" his cheeks turned red, "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor" he sighed and walked over to the bed getting in it. I went to the other side and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I sighed and sat up in the bed 

"(F/N) are you there?"

"Lucifer? Is that you?" I asked my heart dropped 

"Yeah, what happened? Where did you go?" he asked as tears started to form in my eyes 

"Lucifer...I'm so sorry," I said crying silently, "I didn't mean to leave you. I tried to get to you all those years back but I heard nothing" 

"Look it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that now I'm here with you" he said 

"Wait, what do you mean? I don't see you" I was confused 

"Look to your left" I looked and saw Urushihara looking at me with a smile on his face 

"You're Lucifer?"  I asked. He nodded. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and cried "I'm sorry Lucifer" 

"It's ok even if we couldn't hear each other I was still always watching you," he said rubbing my back "And now I can always be there to protect you," he said. 

For the rest of the night, Lucifer slept with his arms wrapped around you. Protecting you. You felt so happy to be with your old friend. 

Lucifer One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now