She knew this would happen all too well, the government was hiding something important. Luka Megurine, a singer but still was smart to know what was real and not. The day had come to leave the highly populated city of New York she was staying in and travel to her home in Toyko, Japan; there she would find shelter before any knew about it. Luka notice the news of a way to give people powers and bring people who died very recently to come back to life. She knew it wouldn't work she went into months of research and as she had thought it's not possible. She couldn't just wait until the bad thing would happen she would have to find shelter and prepare to life. Luka wanders into the Walmart used her money to buy out for a "concert", Luka began using all the wood she bought from the hardware store and covered all the doors and ceiling lights. She used bullet proof glass to replace the normal windows and for safety covered the windows with some wood. Month of prepration came to an end when the first protype killed five people, it was a werewolf. The dead people turned into zombies and they went to infected other people, the werewolf bit other people they would turn into werewolfs, vampire came out of know where and the population went from all human to barley humans, mostly everything else. Luka who had had plenty of guns for two baseball teams to have, had shot some of these creatures as she would explore the ruins of the city, Toyko. The vampire's and Werewolfs came out at night and were harder to kill so Luka stayed away from the night, with the zombies were slow walkers and easy to kill, Luka came out in the day time to see if other survivers were around. For days she never saw one and her old friends she left to save herself cross her mind everyday, Luka still looks for them knowing they have to be there one day, and this day one of them are.
A brown haired woman screams as she is shooting down zombies. "Take that! I will shoot you all the way back to hell!" Luka lets out a smile to her former patner in singing, Meiko. "Meiko!" Luka yells out to her friend as she shoots of one of the zombies. Meiko looks at Luka with amazment and motions to call other people and walks over to her. "Luka longtime no see" Meiko says. A teal haired girl runs up to Luka and Meiko holding on to the hand of a blue haired boy scared. "Luka do you have anything to patch up this wound?" the girl shows Luka her wound and then realises who this girl is. "Luka!" Miku says with a cheery voice and Kaito gives a quick smile before Meiko steps in. "The sun is going down are we gonna shoot down some Vamps and Wolfs or what!" Miku grabs Kaito's arm looking at Luka. "We can take you to the shelter we have, um we don't have that much food now but it can last before we get into"
"No you can stay at walmart with me I still have plenty of fresh foods that i need to eat before I get into eating the cans." Luka says softly as she motions her friends into her shelter. Later that night a fire is started before shifts are holded. "Luka how did you stay awake all the time when the vampires and werewolfs are out at night?" Kaito asks as he cleans up his girlfriend's wound. "I sleep during the day, then I would wander out to find surviors mostly doctors or scienctists and go back to shelter and eat and use the genrator to listen to music or watch a movie." Miku gives a simple smile and leans her shoulder on Kaito. "Where did you stay before I saw you?" Luka asks and Meiko comes back from the boze section with a bottle of saki and sits down. "A bar and grill we stole the guns" Kaito looks at Miku who already fell asleep."Miku was in the middle of a consert when the outbreak happened, I ran all the way up the center to save her." Kaito says. Luka looks down guilty for not warning them she was selfish. Luka looks up to the couple of Miku and Kaito holding hands and leaning on each other"Meiko and I will take first shift then you two." Luka says. Kaito looks at Luka and Meiko then curls up to Miku and quickly falls alseep. "Any doctors?" Meiko asks Luka. Luka shakes her head and the pink haired and brown haired women chat for a while untill Miku gets up. "Where am I" Miku asked looking a Luka. "I am sleeping in walmart." Miku looks at her hands and sees the cuts and her eyes widen. Meiko quickly gets up Kaito to tend to the situation. "It....It's not a dream is it?" Miku says under her breath and begans to scream. "Kaito!" Meiko yelled. Kaito quickly grabs Mikus arms and kisses her and Miku come back to her senses and blushes. Luka looks at the couple and her heart slighty hurts. "What is wrong with her if we were outside a swarm would've killed us." Luka says.
Kaito breaks the kiss and Miku curls up to Kaito's chest. "She is childish you remeber, right? Miku still dosen't believed what happend to see a crowd of people turn into monsters so quickly. It's unthinkable. She changes her mood alot over it." Miku head pops up and gets up and grabs a gun. Meiko looks at Miku with her eyebrow raised. Miku gazes outside the window and sees werewolfs and Vampires swaming around causing fights with each other. "There all Flithy bastards" Miku mutters under her breath as she runs out there. "Miku!!!" Kaito and Luka yell as they get there guns and chase down the Miku. Across a lake is two blondes.