The Clean Version of Fire and Rain

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Fire and Rain. Clean Version

The Beginning   (1)

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I have seen sunny days that I thought I would have never seen again. But I had always thought that I never wanted to see you again.

Since that day I was scared, lonely, abandoned and lost. Never to be seen again I’d thought you would have come back to me but you didn’t now I’m just going to be stuck in the woods alone like a lost charm.

All I remember was when you picked me up and held me close to you what was that?, just a lie?, just something you can keep in side you thick dumb head?, or is it me? Was there something wrong with me? Because it seems like I’m outside and you’re inside, living without me with that stuck up cow you call a girlfriend. Stuffed up life, Stuffed up love.

I kept having dreams bad dreams awful dreams of me getting out of this shithole and going back into your arms. They were bad because I was with you. At the end of every dream you called my name “Shanna, Shanna!” I always turned my back and you were gone, you were out of my life. I yelled out “Sean, Sean!” I yelled louder “Sean you idiot I don’t ever want to see your face again!” Then the snow covers me in. I woke up every time with my necklace in the palm of my hand.

The Necklace (2)

My necklace I have had since I was little it’s a Fire necklace, my Nona says  never to take it off because one day if you’re lucky you will find someone with a necklace just like it but with a raindrop. That person would be the love of your life. She kept blabbering on about that is how she and Papa met but I just blanked out and stopped giving a shit. This time at the end of my dream my necklace was missing it doesn’t usually do that. It just lends up on my Palm. I can’t lose it, if I lose it I’ve lost everything.

Have you ever heard something so loud that your ears hurt? Well that is what’s going on right now all I can hear a little girl screaming, me panicking where is she, she should know the way out I need to find her where is she! And all I could see is my necklace waving in front of my face and I blackout

I wake up it was just a dream, just a stupid dream, a different dream this time did not involve Sean gladly, but it involved my necklace   I do not know where it is, I’ve got to find it

“SMASH” that is all I hear the shatter of glass I turn around and I find a doll a broken doll standing there with my necklace on its neck, her little tune

“Run, run as fast as you can, tick, tock goes the clock round ‘n’ round again.”

I scream at the top of my lungs and run to the doll and kick it grab my necklace and run!

“That was odd” I said to myself “so strange”  ...”that’s some scary stuff”

The Frost. (3)

Set up new camp today in the cold I can feel the frost shivering up my spine, my tears turning to ice, Starving for warm food but all I’ve got is Pictures and Ice-cream, Why did he send me here” That just constantly went through my head over and over 1000 times again. It’s been two months now and I can’t believe this I really need food or I will die every body will like it if I die, wouldn’t they.

My feet are covered in the snow my face is covered cold tears, my heart I pumping really fast one more fast thing I will die. I hear my name being yelled out “Shanna, Shanna” I turn around, “Come here! Come here” who is it? I can’t see anything! “Sean is that you?” Hmm okay no reply “Sean you bloody idiot is that you?”

“No it’s me” I turn around and find my best friend Jake kneeling on the floor “Shanna I’m here to save you” he whispered. “GIVE ME HOT FOOD” I yelled. He just laughed and said “I will when we get back”

I thought it was a dream but it wasn’t. Is this it am I going home away from the forest? But closer to that dickhead and his Hoe of a girlfriend. Jake kept holding my hand it was like I was going to see Nona for Christmas but I couldn’t see that anymore because when I got to the house my Nona was in her coffin waiting for me, waiting for  me to say goodbye.

“Goodbye” I never wanted to say that in my whole in tier life nobody would want to.

I ran away and then I slipped and fell on someone that someone was Sean. I ran even faster this time I ran outside and yelled at the top of my lungs “WHY”

The next minute Sean runs out and says “I’m Sorry”, “From the bottom of my heart I love you, and I’m Sorry”

“If you love me then why the hell did you send me there?” I Cried.

“I said I’m sorry Shanna why don’t you forgive me? He said

“Why don’t I forgive, you want to know why I don’t bloody forgive you? You left me there for months alone, stranded!’’ I yelled

“But honey that is…..” He started to talk

“Do not call me honey you have no right to call me that!” I yelled

I dropped to the floor in tears he went to touch my shoulder when…

“Do not touch me you have no right I don’t want you here anymore just leave me alone”

Jake walked out and said “Shanna?”

“Yes?” I replied

“Do you need a hug?”

I ran to him and hugged the hell out of him then I realized “you’re wearing a necklace?” I whispered

“Yeah” He Replied

“Can I see it? I asked?

“Sure” He said in confusion “It’s just a raindrop”

I Smiled and kissed the kissed the hell out of him.

“My Nona Once told me if you find a boy with a rain necklace he is your true love” I whispered to him then he smiled and kissed me again.

It’s true love that keeps you alive not food and water and warmth you only need those things when you don’t know if you have true love one day everybody will have true love no matter what!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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