Come Closer

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     His hands were shaking. Placing a hand on top of the other in order to keep them from trembling. The local coffee shop was busy, but Madara didn't pay attention to it. He kept zoning out. Lips parched, mouth dry. He reached for his cup to take a sip of coffee. In retrospect, maybe caffeine wasn't such a good idea. Madara's heart was beating faster . Not sure weather it was from the caffeine or what he was about to do.

     Minutes passed but it felt like hours has gone by since he first sat down. Hashirama was suppose to meet him 10 minutes ago, but it didn't worry Madara much considering he knew Hashi was never on time for anything. It was pure agony for him though. Madara just wanted to get this over with. The two had known each other for years. With each year that Madara had known Hashirama, he couldn't help but to fall in love with him all over again. There was just something special about this man. The way he smiled, how he carries himself, his leadership, how serious yet goofy he is, and his physical appearance.

     A familiar scent has entered the cafe. Madara knew it was him. He was able to just tell that Hashirama has arrived. Snapping out of his trance, Madara looked around and found that beaming smile. "Madara! Sorry I'm late, I had a few last minute things to take care." Taking his seat across from the other male. "Don't apologize. You're never on time for anything so I was expecting you to be on time today." Reaching to take another sip of his coffee. His eyes met Hashirama's eyes, instantly blushing and turning away so the other wouldn't notice.

   "You usually don't come out during busy hours, so what's the occasion? Did something happen?" Hashirama added as he ordered himself a latte. " Nothing happened. I just wanted to you about something." Taking a deep breath in, exhaling his nervousness. Running his hand through his hair. It was now or never. This was the moment that he has been waiting for some time now.

   "Hashi......I...I just wanted to let you know about a few things," Madara paused, taking a glance up at the male. "You know that we've been friends for some time now. We go way back and you have always been there for me when I needed you. Well, the thing see, I have feelings for you. There hasn't been a day that passes where I don't think of you. I have," Madara gulps and takes another sip of coffee, " I have fallen deeply in love with you. I love you, Hashirama. I want to take our friendship to the next level and actually be your boyfriend. That is if you will have me." Madara scanned Hashi's face, which was in shock. Thinking he crossed the line with their friendship, he got up and started to leave. " Sorry if i crossed the line, I just wanted to express my feelings to you. I'll leave...." A hand reached up to grab Madara's wrist. "Madara....don't go..." standing up to pull him closer. " Come closer...." Hashirama trailed off and leaned in to give Madara a rather passionate kiss right in the middle of the cafe.

    Speechless, Madara took a step back and just looked at Hashirama, "Madara, you see, I have felt the same way about you for a long time. I wanted to tell you how i felt but you always seem disinterested. I have fallen in love with you too. I want to be your boyfriend. I want us to be more then just friends." Smiling at the shorter man, Hashirama brought him in closer and wrapped his arms around his muscular body. Whispering into the Uchiha's ear, " So will you? Will you be my boyfriend?"


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