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——————————————| High Society & Perverted Snobs |—————————————

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| High Society & Perverted Snobs |

Jungkook stared up at the towering 60-foot-high building with many glass windows of Taehyung's company. Taehyung's construction, out of anybody else's on the city block, stood the most out. His neck was hurting just by looking at it. Jungkook takes a deep breath closing his eyes. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

After all the rants and down talking, he shared with his family about Taehyung and his friends, and now he's standing in front of Taehyung's company building with a suitcase in hand to go live with them. He told his mother that the job required him to stay at their boss's house but never specified whose house.

If he would've told his mom that he was going to be staying with six rude famous billionaires, his mom would've slapped him before marching down to have a word with one of them, so he stayed quiet about it.

Standing on the sidewalk for a long enough time, Jungkook finally walks up to the big fancy spinning doors and makes his way in. Once he entered the building, his eyes went wide, staring at the fancy and expensive the place looked. "Holy shit," Jungkook mutters to himself. Taehyung indeed was a billionaire if he could afford to make a building so extraordinary and mesmerizing with its gold architecture. Taehyung must have a liking for the color gold.

Jungkook couldn't help but stand there admiring the place. A vast chandelier that hung from high ceilings shimmered brightly as the sunbeams hit it just right through the tall arched windows.

A broad strip of interwoven gold decorated the walls and near-high ceilings, dazzling and livening up the grand space. The badge tile floors were so shiny that Jungkook could see himself and the other people that were walking around in work attire, either holding files, suitcases, or phones. He had a feeling that most of these people that worked here only did it for excellent pay cause why else would you work for Kim Taehyung?

There were red couches with a few magazines on a wooden coffee table in one corner near the windows. It displayed a coffee and snack bar with various bright candies. A tv was mounted on the wall above, playing the news for the people waiting for assistance. For the waiting area, Jungkook was impressed by how fancy it was. He wouldn't mind sitting on those high-priced red couches with a cup of hot coffee in his hand.

"Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk calls out to him, making him walk over to her with a smile. The woman looked like she was in her mid-thirties. She had brown hair with a pixie-cut hairstyle closely cropped to her head, making her look even younger. She wore a settled gold nose piercing with a velvet red t-shirt, black slacks, and high heels to make her taller. The front desk contained dark red oak wood, but the countertop was a blinding gold making a nice contrast.

"I'm here to see Kim Taehyung." She looks at him suspiciously before looking over at her computer screen. Some clicks from her mouse were heard before she turned back to Jungkook with a frown. "I'm sorry, but you're not scheduled for an appointment with him today. I can make one for you, but you must return another day. He is busy with business meetings for the rest of the day." She offers while typing away on her keyboard.

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