Ch.2 What lies within...

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Noras POV

As I started walking down the side walk I thought about the possible reasons we moved here. Knowing Rachel she wouldnt move without needing too. Something is wrong. Rachel loved our house, she had friends and family, so It doesnt make any sense why we moved. Maybe it has to do with what I did at our old home... Im not thinking about it. Though im sure word will travel fast about me. Especially when I get to my new school. Its a little town after all.

Narrator POV

As Nora made her way into town she placed her hand in her pocket and pulled it out, when she did she saw a 10 dollar bill. "Enough to get me a pack of gum..." She looks around and sees a speedway and decides to go there she enters as she hears the bell cling. Nora loos around and sees the sweet isle. She goes down it and finds a pack of Hubba Bubba. Of course she grabs watermelon flavor and goes to the desk. Suprisingly there is no one exept for her and the store clerk which scans the gum and gives it back. "My, my... What a beautiful young lady. Say I havent seen you around before. You new here to the small town of Ashpeak?" The girl asks.
"Y-yes. We just moved in..." She says, and reaches for the pack of gum. "Well, be careful. And dont go in the woods now!" She says, and gleams a smile her direcrion. " Why cant I go in the woods? Is something wrong?"
"..." She hands Nora the gum, but leans toward her. "Listen, you didnt hear this from me. If my boss found out hed kill me..." She says, looking over her shoulder and looks at Nora again. "Their have been murders in those woods..." She says. Noras eyebrows raise. Nora has always been interested in this superstitious stuff, conspiracies more so. "So. There is like a serial killer on the loose?" She asks. The store clerk shakes her head. "Everyone has a different story. Even though only 3 have came back. One guy said he saw a weird gut that had striped clothes and a stripe nose. Like a black and white jack in the box. The other guy said their was a guy that looked like a teenager that had a dark blue mask with black circles on the sides that looked like crying. The last was the creepiest..." The clerk looks over her shoulder again and then directs her attention back to Nora. "Some people even say they saw the Slenderman..." She looks away and back to Nora again. "I believe I have said too much. Bye bye now!!" She says a huge grin plastered on her face. With the knowledge Nora has gained she walks out of the gas station and walks down the sidewalk and back to the house, on the way she gets her gum out and takes a bit, throwing ot in her mouth. A few seconds on chewing it she puts it to the wall of her cheek and chuckles to herself. "Well well... This place just got more interesting..." She says. She pauses. And looks over her shoulder...
No one there. She continues walking, but she just cant stop feeling like somebody's watching her...... She gets to her house and looks over her shoulder again. No one. She shrugs and goes into the house.


Haya guys! This is the second chapter!! Im super exited! I hope the people that are watching engoy it! Have a lovely day! Or night! 8D

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