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Ok Real Update this time I managed to edit and correct the grammer and spelling. This chapter has been brought up to date.

#FuckSmoothWallFilter #ActualUpdate #FuckSchoolFilters
Jordyn stepped out of the Art Room walking down the long hallway with Anna. Art Club had just ended and they needed to get their things from they're respective lockers to go home. The hall was adorned with posters about different clubs, projects from the Home Ec and Art classes, and book recommendations by other students inside a glass case built in the wall.

"So that was a good day, your Panda drawing was really good Jordyn." Praised Anna. The little ginger was about a fourth the taller girls height.

"Yeah, I think it was kinda rough around the edges but, overall better than expected." Jordyn, the taller girl, admitted lazily before yawning.

"No way!" Anna exclaimed gently nudging her friend with a porcelain hand. "Your panda was amazing and the bamboo background really topped it off." She complimented.

As the girls reached a stretch of lockers and walked to theirs. Anna's across and three to the right of Jordyn's. After retrieving their bags the duo started down the back hallway of the school towards the front entrance or in this case exit of their Middle School. As the two walked past the pair of classrooms at the back and up the handicap ramp to the schools lobby they crossed the empty, well lit room to the front doors.

After walking out the double door the girls walked down the front steps to wait for Anna's mom to pick them up. As they got to the second of the three step stairway the world around them started to get hazy. A dark mist fell around them as the bright sun and blue sky morphed into a faded dark gray. The pavement they had been walking on gave way to a cracked and chipped version of its self. The light of the afternoon turned to dark dusk. The girls looked around them as they noticed the entire school now looked like a large temple of the sort.

"A-Anna are you seeing this?" The taller girl asked her companion. "Yea I-I am..." The ginger answered as she looked in awe and fear at the world around her.

As the two got a hold of them selves Jordyn made a suggestion, "We should probably stay put even if we don't recognize the place anymore ." She stated cooly, yet on the inside was panicking.

"Right..." replied the other girl. Her responses were worrying Jordyn it was as if her friend had just absent-mindedly answered, but her voice trembled as she answered coherently.

Out of the corner of her eye Anna saw something moving in the now shaded and abandoned parking-lot. The ginger's head whirled around quickly to find nothing. Her tall companion fared no better as she turned to the bushed under the windows rustling.

"Anna..." The tanned girl called over.

"Yes, Jordyn?" Whimpered the shorter girl. "Why don't we head in and wait there..." Suggested the taller of the the two frightened teens.

"G-great idea..." Agreed the ginger as the two rushed into the large, familiar, yet unknown building behind them.

The two rushed into the "school" and noted that the ceiling looked a lot higher then possible from outside, they couldn't even see the ceiling itself just darkness above them. They expected to be met with the lobby, to see pep posters, furniture, and potted plants. Instead they came to face what looked like an old abandoned version of their school. The windows that once allowed light to shine into the lobby, now showed no light or sun just a shady darkness. The linoleum floors cracked and the underside of the floor showing across the wide room. They continued by making a left and walking towards what they hoped was the 7th grade hallway, oblivious to the shades silently following them from behind.

As they walked made another left they found rusted lockers the doors hanging open and even some that were tipped over. The doors into the "classrooms" were all closed and the little windows next to them blacked out. The lights above them were dim and flickering, yet oddly lighted the halls well. The water fountain between the boys and girls rooms were still functional, but neither girl would dare drink from it.

"This is so creepy it's like we entered the school in the next century." Commented the pale ginger.

"I know, I mean it's like it's completely abandoned and no ones been here in years." Replied Jordyn who tried a few classroom doors. Some were locked and others unlocked, but the ones that were unlocked were empty aside from a few rusted desks or over turned chair.

Anna stayed behind examining the lockers and ruined linoleum floors, she tried to open the Guidance Office but, it was locked and the window was blacked out, it looked like black paper on the inside covering the window.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH AANNNNAAAA!" Jordyn screamed from the hall back towards the classrooms before she ran back to Anna with multiple shadowy figures chasing after her. "RUN ANNA RUN!" The girl shouted grabbing the girls hand and running out the double doors that were at the end of that hallway.

As they got outside to the parking-lot the duo were met with two small but, terrifying black creatures with sharp onyx claws and scowls on their round faces. Suddenly they were surrounded by dark, shadowy figures in a circle around them. The two creatures that ambushed them were in front of them standing about three fourths Jordyn's height, two more behind them in square formation around the girls. The shorter noticed her companion holding her arm, which had a bleeding claw like gashes on it.

"We can't get away their all around us, no where to run..." Panted Anna as she assessed the situation as they slowly moved towards the two girls. "They're taunting us, aren't they?" Asked the taller girl as she noted they would probably die, two helpless girls slaughtered and ripped apart by these things. Suddenly the taller shadowy figures rushed forward at them quickly and the duo held each other and clenched their eyes shut awaiting a deadly onslaught.

The sound of feet running on the concrete made the two open they're eyes to see the group of shadowy, featureless creatures gone and fading clouds of black dust where the figures stood. The shorter creatures then moved close, now a line of four monsters in front of the two. As the one on the far left lunged forward and slashed its deadly claws at Jordyn, who's side was cut by the attack. The girls fell down and it stayed close about to attack the tanned girl again when Anna rammed her body into the monster. It was unfazed as it smacked the ginger back to the ground. As it rose its claws to bring them down on the small helpless girl.

"Absolute Territory!"

The girls felt a warm pulse of air rose around them and opened their eyes to notice a dim, safe light surrounding them and the four creatures laid on the ground outside the light. Their attackers tried to enter the light put were unable to and even tried attacking it with their claws.

"We'll handle this girls." Cheered a voice. "Yea, its Showtime." 


Ok so I'd love some comments and Suggestions for the title would help me soooooooooooooooooooo much.

Please refrain from insults or death threats and stick to constructive criticism please.

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