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Aicha's pov

" but you don't understand i'm pregnant" . I didn't know how to react so i just walked out and went to


The whole lesson i could not stop thinking about Taleah being pregnant. I know that just walking away like that is wrong but i just didn't know how to react. I need to say sorry for just walking away like that.

Text convo

T= Taleah


A- Sorry for just walking away like that..

T- No problem, I would probably do the same,

A- So we are cool right?

T- Yeah, Do you wanna come over after school we can walk togheter

A- Yeah suree, se yaa later loser :)

T- Bitch :)



Iitterally ran out of math. God i hate maths. I saw Taleah waiting by my locker.

"How come you're always here before me? i said

" All the teachers love me"

"Yeah and i'm barack obama"


"Let's goooooo"

We started to walk to her house when the Curly devil comes running to us .

Taleah's Pov

I saw Harry running in my direction,

"I'm sorry Taleah, i didn't mean it i love you" He says In the corner of my eyes i could se Aicha rolling her eyes.

"If you really Loved me you wouldn't said that"

" I know but i Love you soo much that it hurst"

" Oh really? if you love me soo much say it to them" i said pointing at his group

"Taleah... why do they haft to know? i love you and thats all that matters"

"Forget about it Harry we're over" and with that i walked away.

Back to Aichas pov.

We we're sitting on Taleah's bed and just randomly talking. when i started to wonder how long she have been preggo.

"How long have you been pregnant"?

"About two weeks"

How did you find out, did you go to the doctors?

"No i took a preggo test"

"You know that they aren't always 100 %right maby you should go to the doc.

"Only if you go with me"

" Yeah i promise lets make an appointment"

" okay.."


" Aicha, i don't think i'm gonna go to school tomorrow and Niall kdvisiting his family in Ireland, sorry"

"No problem, i'll get trough the day"

" Are you sure?

" Yeah, what time is it??

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