Chapter 1
Michael Jickey. Adopted 7000 children but now they are dead, because he didn't have enouff food. But his lawyers got him off free because he sucked Obama dick.
But now he walked in Walmart, shopping for more cum socks, for he had ran out. He likes blondes boys with a bowl hair cut too.
Suddenly,"oh I don't know what to do oooooo all I do is say daaaddiiadddyyy"
Michael was tickled pink, he was so happy that that voice was singing.. It was beautimus. Michael stood basket of socks in arm, smiling quaintly at the young lad. Michael's feminine posture was at oppposition to the young lads slump.
The crowd dissipated into the Walmart Isles, mostly the one that had the condoms. For they were all streets whores, but smart street whores.
Michael heavenly identified them, his mother was a prositutimus! Still! And he was his father was also a prostitutical and that's is how they met. And they also had a common interest in the hunger games. Which led to many discussions of motorcycles at the kitchen table :)
Michaellaccy dacc6 jahcky sacke6 sawed the boy packing up his. Owboy boots. "No!weight! I don't want that!" Michael sayed .
"why... Cried the babe" said he boot too big for he foot!
Michael: "I will I will I will you buy u new boot" he stammered.
Sudden the boy mum came and said
"do not touch my kid u pedo pedo man."Then Michael pulled out a carrier diamond bracelet, and dangled it in her face.
"this is all yours if you let me mentor your young son, beautiful blonde beautiful boy."
The woman's eyes lit up, she wanted so badly to have the bracelet.
"you can adapt him...." she sayed as she snatched the bracelet and signed away her rights to her son.