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Kevin read this book in his newest YouTube video reading fanfictions (mine was the first one I want to diet so embarrassing )Also Mia isn't my name it's just a random name I decided to pick 🕡
My alarm goes off at 6:30 in the morning I guess it's time to go to my first day of uni in New Zealand
My name is Mia I used to live in LA California pretty much everything was the same apart from my best friend Kevin pery we did everything together he's been my friend for practically 19 years our parents are friends we met when we were a couple of months old, we message every day when we can from the different time zones but I missed him being away from him Sucks so much.

It's Kevin's 20th birthday in a week and I really don't wanna miss it so I decided to book some plane ticket and surprise him.

I take a month off uni which surprisingly is allowed (I don't actually know)
I book my plane ticket for the very next day I start packing my bag after I text his parents asking if I can stay and not to tell Kevin anything,
Because they love me they said yes of course
I post on my Instagram story saying one more sleep to go
I get a message from Kevin 20 seconds later

Kevin: One more sleep until what???
Mia: oh nothing just a big exam:)
Kevin: oh nice good luck for that I wish you were here for my birthday in a couple of days<3 :)
Mia: me too I'm so sorry I got ago now Love u best friend

Only if he knew.

Next day.

Boarding the plane sucks especially when you're sitting next to a screaming child
Anyways as you can guess I'm on my plane now and I really hope they move this kid
14 hours later
they didn't move the kid

It's around about five in the morning now and I am absolutely tired
I see Kevin's parents are waving out to me I quickly run over after I got my bags

"Hi i'm so happy to be here" I said really excitedly as they hugged me
" it's really exciting to see you again Mia Kevin has been non-stop talking about you" kevin's mum said she like to go for my hug

" yeah it's getting annoying and thankful you're here now" said Kevin dad that he grabs my bags and we walked to the car

I'm looking out the window from the back of the car it's so great to be back here I miss it so much and I mean New Zealand great and all but this is my home

About a 40 minute drive home we get to their house

I go onto Instagram to see Kevin story
It's a photo he posted 14 hours ago of him pulling a sad face saying
" I miss my best friend Mia I wish
She was here"
Little did he know I smirked I was right at his door

I knock on the door hopefully Kevin is awake
It's on at six in the morning please be awake Kevin

I heard someone running down the stairs and I instantly knew it was Kev

"Hi kevy"
He literally tripped out the door as he hugs me tightly
" we are going to leave you guys alone now have fun" kevin's mum said as they hop into the car
" Mia oh my God why did you not tell me you were coming I missed you so much you have no idea" he said in a very exciting tone
"Um stupid it was a surprise obviously I wasn't going to tell you" I said in the most joking tone ever with a huge smile on my face
Kevin hug me tightly I hug him back
" what do you wanna, how long are you here for Mia" he said kind of worried
" I Kinder just wanna hang out with you Kevin and I'm here for like a month "
"Oh yeet i'm so excited"
Skip to Kevins 20th birthday night

me and Kevin have been non-stop hanging out and always being next to each other we haven't left each other side yet I like that
I went upstairs to get dressed I was just wearing my black top jeans with a striped shirt underneath with my Five Finger Death Punch shirt over top

Kevin walks in as soon as I'm finished getting dressed
" Kevinn" I said in a annoyed tone but I was joking around
" sorry sorry you're looking good today my Egirl" he said as he winked inflict his fingers into a gun like pointing at me
" you're such a dork come here I love you happy birthday" I said as I hand him his gift
It was something simple it was just a chain with a lock on it I had one too it was like a best friend charm thing I guess
" Mia you didn't really have to thank you this is really cute"
" I love you so much" he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder
I smile and start  to blush
Kevins hand moves up my face onto my cheek
" Mia I love you A lot" he said in a soft tone
" Kev I know I love you too" I said kind of joking around
" no like seriously Mia I do more than friends" he said he sounded really worried
I didn't say anything I get on my tippy toes and lean and he leans in as well his soft plump lips push against mine It felt like a dream i've never caught feelings so fast but then again I've never had a boyfriend and Kevins has never had a girlfriend maybe this is going to be our first time.

He put his hand on my waist kind of pushing me against the wall
He shuts the door not pulling away from the kiss
My hands go through his silky hair
He pulled away " Mia do you wanna be my girlfriend" he said as he scratches The back of his head nervously
" of course Kevin of course I will be" I said as I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist

The question is do I stay in LA or do I go back to New Zealand I have three weeks to think about it.

kevin perry : 5:35pm : (ffs) :)Where stories live. Discover now