Since the day I meet him

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Hello and I wrote this not so long ago but here we go.


I walk around lost in the school. I hate being the new kid because I can't make friends I'm shy. "Hello" I hear a girl say, then I turn around to see a girl with white hair. "Um hi" I say to her. "Are you John" she asks me. "Yes who may be asking" I tell her. "Oh my name is Rose" she tells me. "Oh okay it's nice meeting you so why are you asking for me" I say. "I'm looking for you because someone sent me to tell you that your guide is waiting for you" rose told me. I look at her "My guide for what" I tell her. "To show you around school" rose tells me. "Oh okay and what is his name" I ask rose. "His name is Dave Strider" Rose told me. I follow Rose and see a boy with blonde hair. He is wearing black shades and is very taller then me. "Dave" Rose calls him" "yeah" dave looks at rose. "This is John the student your guiding today" rose points at me. "Um hello" I tell dave. He stares at me and starts walking rose makes the sign for me to follow him. He shows me around and I just nod saying yes. The bell rings and he's about to go to class but I stop him. "Can you please tell me where room 218 is" I say. ""Follow me that's where I'm going" Dave tells me. We get there and I see that he sits down all the way in the back. I look around and see one empty desk right next to some boy who's drinking faygo in the back . I walk to that desk and sit down waiting for class to start. Class started and the teacher starts talking then he says my name. "John can you please stand up" he tells me. I get up and look around the class. "Please introduce your self sir." He said. "Um hello my name is John Egbert and I came from another school." I say while sitting down. The day went on it was the something every single class and then it was lunch time. I didn't know where to sit down till I saw the Rose girl again. "Hey John want to sit with us" Rose tells me. "Uh yeah" I said while siting down. "Every one this is John and introduce yourself." Rose said. A boy that I have first period with who always drinks faygo his name is Gamzee. Another boy who curses a lot is Karkat. "Hey Karkat would you mind doing my homework" said a jock. "You fuckers I am not doing y'all's motherfucker homework" Karkat said. "Hey you new kid do my homework" said the same jock. "Uh no" I said while trying to eat the food. They leave and I see Rose staring at someone. A boy jumps the table were in and looks at me. "Uh hello" I tell the boy. "So you must be the new kid my name is Dirk Strider" dirk tell me. "Um can I ask you something" I say. "Yeah sure" dirk told me. "Do you know a boy name dave" I ask him. " yeah he's my younger brother why" dirk said. "I'm just asking so your in 12th grade" I tell dirk. "Yeah" dirk said. Lunch was over and went to my next class. I hear someone calling my name but I don't stop I keep going and go inside my class. The day is over and I saw dave with dirk they were talking. "John" I heard someone say and dirk runs up to me. "John would you like to come somewhere with me and my bro dave" dirk said. "I can't I have to unpack" I said while waving goodbye. I go home walking and see my father. He's getting home with cooking supply's. "John everything has being unpack so I'm going to bake don't bother me" my dad said. I go to my room bored and see all my posters. I go outside and hear people talking but I recognize a voice. I look around and it's dave, he's with a girl. Dave sees me and I just go back sitting on a swing. After awhile I see dave pass by and stops then looks at me. "Hey want to come over Dirk loves to play video games with people like you" dave said. "Yeah sure" I said while getting up. We get to Dave's house. "Hey bro guess who I found" dave said to dirk. "Oh hey John do you want to play some video games" dirk said. "Yeah sure" I said. I beat him 10 times and he looks at me angry. "No one has ever beating me that much" dirk says with an evil voice. I get up and start walking to the bathroom. I see dave and he looks at me. "Let me guess you beat him" dave said. I nod my head meaning yes "the bathroom is the last door to your left" he told me. I go to the bathroom and stay there, after awhile I hear knocking. "It's safe to come out" I hear dave said while coming out. "Thank you but I should go" I say while leaving. I went back home and saw that it was getting pretty dark. I saw that my dad's car was gone so I unlocked my house door and wen inside. I lock the door and go to bed. The next morning I go to the kitchen and see pancakes. I eat them and get ready for school, when I'm done I walk to school. I see dave and he's staring at me with a weird look in his face. The day goes on and it lunch came, then I feel someone pull me. I look around and it's dave, he signal me to follow him. I follow him and we enter an empty classroom. "So John" Dave told me. "Yeah" I tell him. "Would you mind if I do something to you" Dave asked. "Uhh" he kissed me before I can finish. He pulled away and I look at him confused before I he can say anything I leave. I start running and end up tripping on something. I hear someone calling my name and I look around. "John" I hear dave call. After awhile he finds me and helps me up. "I'm sorry John I don't know what came to me" dave tells me. I get up and I run to my next class. I enter my classroom and sit down remembering that I have dave for this class damn it. I put my head down thinking about what just happened. I hear the teacher tell me to pick up my head and to pay attention. I put my head up and start to pay attention. Class was over and I hurry up to my next class avoiding dave. The last bell rang and I quickly went home but something pulled me from my hoody. Were in a room and they let go, then turn me around. It was dave and he had a weird expression in his face. "I..I." Was the only thing I said before dave kissed me once again. He pulls away and looks at me "I'm sorry John" dave said. I look at him blushing and I grab his hand, my body is telling me to hold it. "It's fine dave but why" I ask dave. "Because I feel different around you" Dave said. I look at him and he looks at me, after awhile if just looking at each other I kiss him. He kisses me back and I slowly pull away. "John I really like you" dave said. I look at him not knowing if I should believe him or not and I blur out something "Who was the girl you were with" I asked. He looks at me thinking and then answers me. "She's my girlfriend." dave said. "Oh okay" I start walking away and going home. I start running and then I got home,then went inside straight to my room. I look around and feel this weird feeling inside of my chest. I hear my dad call my name but I ignore it and fall asleep. I wake up and seeing that it's late and I have missed half of school so I decide to stay. I look at my phone and see that my dad called. I called him back and he told me that he had left me some soupdownstairs. I go downstairs and eat the soup while watching anime. I hear a knock on the door and I get up. Before opening the door I see trough the small whole in the door. It was dave and he was holding something, I ignore it and go back to watching anime. I see him looking trough my window and he keeps mouthing to open the door. I finally open the door and he's standing there with a big bottle of Nutella. "What do you want dave" I say not letting him in. "I want to talk to you" dave tells me. "For what" I say. "Just let me in and I'll tell you" dave said. I let him in and he sits on one side of the couch, I sit in another couch. I pause the anime and wait for his response. "I know you don't want me here but let me explain why I kissed you and why I said those things" dave told me. I nod in agreement and he sits next to me. "I wanted to see if these feelings I feel around you are real feelings." Dave said. I keep quiet and just look at him trying not to cry. "I know you don't want to say anything but just hear me out, I broke up with her because when I kissed you I felt something different then when I kiss her." Dave said. "You used me dave" I said. "I know I did and I'm sorry but now I want to be with you" Dave said. I look at him then look away, looking at the window. "Look at me please John, I'm sorry I just wanted to know but now I know" dave said. I look at him and see that he has his shades on, I get an urge to take them off his face which i do. I see his blue eyes and he looked at me confused. His eyes remind me off the sea and how beautiful they look. After awhile he gets my glasses and stares into my eyes. "Now where even" he says before I kiss him. His lips are soft and kissable, I feel sparks fly around. He pulls away and smiles then looks at me. I'm smiling like an idiot and he puts his thumbs on my cheeks. He rubs my cheeks while I feel my cheeks getting really red. "Can I have my glasses back" I ask dave. "You look way better without your glasses" he tells me while I blush. "I love it when you blush and can I have my shades back" dave asks. I look at him "you look better without them" I tell him. He looks away and I see that's he's blushing. I smile and poke his cheek till he looks at me. I kiss him and he kisses me back, instead of pulling away I keep kissing him passionately. I hear the door open and the person drops something to the floor. I pull away and it's my dad, my dad looks at dave. "What's happening here" my dad says mad. "I..I" I try to talk. Dave takes my hand and pulls me away to the door. We run till were at Dave's house and we both look at each other. "I'm sorry" I say while he stares at me. "I didn't know he was coming home early, I'm very sorry" I say. He kisses me and looks at me. "It's fine John and want to come inside my house" dave said. "Bu..but what about my dad" I say. "Let's let things cool down then we will go" dave said. I nod in agreement and go inside his house, it seems like no one is home. "Don't worry no one is going to be home till 4" dave said. I cheek what time is it it's 3:30 pm and i look at him. "What do you want to do" i asked. He kisses me and i kiss him back, aster awhile if kissing he pulls my shirt up. I look at him and he looks at me with a smile in his face. "Dave I'm not ready" i tell him. "Oh okay maybe next time but for now shh i hear someone coming" dave tells me. I put my shirt back on and keep quiet. "It's Dirk and he seems mad" dave said. "What do i do, where do i hide." I ask. "Hide in my room, I'll take you there" dave said while taking me to his room and closing his door. After awhile I hear yelling and screaming from both of them. I look around in Dave's room and sit down in his bed. I have an urge to fall asleep because i don't want to hear them scream anymore so i fall asleep. I hear the door close really loudly so i open my eyes it's dave, he seems mad. "Oh did I wake you up I'm sorry" dave said. "It's fine and what happened" i asked. "Nothing, he got mad cause i didn't go to school" dave said. "Oh okay" i look at him and he sits next to me. "Yeah well let's go" dave said. "Go where" i asked him. "To your house" dave said. We went to my house and saw that my dad was still there. I Open the door and my dad is sitting in the couch like he was waiting for me. "I can explain" I said. "Explain then John before I punish you for life" my dad said. I sat down and so did dave on the couch across from the room. "Ever since i have meet dave i had these weird feelings for him" I said. My dad looked at me weird "Then he came and kissed me again. I fell more in love with him" I said. "Oh okay son I'll let you be with him but one condition" my dad said to me. "Thank you sir but what's the condition" dave said before I could say something. "That you take care off him" my dad said. "I will sir. You can count on me." Dave said and I smile. "Then you to could be together" my dad said. I hug my dad and then hug dave. I see dave smile and he kisses my cheek, I slightly blush. I fell asleep in my room and dave decided to stay so he fell asleep on the floor. The next morning dave left early for he can go and change. I find some clothes with a nite saying wear this. I put it on and it says if lost please take to dave strider. I laugh and go downstairs, finding my dad cooking. "Here's your plate to eat and then go to school" my dad said. I eat the food and get my backpack. "Bye dad" I say while running to school. I see dave and he is talking to someone then I take out my jacket and put it on. I zip it up and start walking to my class. I see dave and he tells me to get close to him. I get close to him and he puts the book up. He kisses me and I start to smile, then he puts the book down. I look around and then see him, he smiles like I do. I go to my seat and class starts. Time has passed, so has my classes then it's lunch time. I see Rose and sit down in the table. "Hey John" Rose said. "Hello Rose" I said. "Where were you yesterday" Rose asked. "I was sick" I told her. "Yeah sure" Rose said sarcastic. "Why do you say it like that" I asked. "Because I saw dave with you" Rose said. "He came to my house to play some games and why were you spying on us" I told rose. "I took the day off" Rose said. "Why" I asked. "Because of my mother, she told me to stay." Rose said. "Oh okay" I say. I see someone jump the table once again and it was dirk. Rose looked at him and it look like she likes him. "Hey John dave was looking for you. He told me to tell you to meet him by the p.e building" said dirk. "Oh okay well bye" I said while walking to the building. I go to the p.e building and see dave, he's with some people. I go to the other side of the building and sit down. I don't know if I should go over there with him or stay here where I am. I hear Dave's voice, I hear him say that he might play a sport next year. I get up and see that he's busy, so I feel like I should go. But I sit back down because I don't want them to see me, there in a different spot. I try to make a plan on how to get out of here. I get my backpack and remember my self that I have a pair of pants, a come and a blue jacket. I change real quickly, fix my hair and start walking. I text dave telling him that I'm wearing a blue jacket, and I'm shy so I'm going to go to class. He texted me that just to come he will introduce everyone to me. I go to where he is and he sees me then smiles. "Everyone this is John" said dave and everyone stared at me. One of the girls seemed familiar then it hit me that is his ex. I go to where dave is and they keep staring at me. "Umm hi" I said shyly. Patter awhile the bell was ringing they all left but dave stayed. "They seem like nice people" I said. He nods in agreement and then out of now where he kissed me. I smile and look at him. "I need to go to class" I tell him. "I'll take you cause I have the some class" dave tells me. We ran to class and made it in time, then sat down. Dave gave me a piece if paper and I opened it. It told me to meet him in the science building right after school. School finished and I went to the science building to find dave. I saw him and he was holding something in his hands. I walk up to him and he looks at me. "You made it" dave said. "Yes I did" I say. He looks at me and grabs my hand, pulling me to a door. I look around and see that it's empty. Dave sits down and I sit down next to him. "So what did you want" I said before he kissed me. I kissed him back and he pulls me to his lap. We make out till I pull away. He looks at me and I kiss his neck. I lightly bite it and I hear him moan. I blushes and look at him. He kisses me and bites my lip I lightly moan. I look at what time is it after awhile if kissing. "I have to go dave it's 5" I said. "I'll take you home John" dave said. We get home and he kisses me. Then leaves, I'm so happy that I'm with him.

................................................5 YEARS LATER......................................................

"I do" dave said, "do you John Egbert take dave as your lovely husband" said the minister. "I do" I said. "You may kiss your husband" the minister said that while dave kisses me. Then we go to our honeymoon and have some fun.

....................................THE END........................................................................

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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