I Need You

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"Veronica this is getting boring, got to go. Bye love! Have a nice flight! Muah!" Did he just literally kissed me through the phone? The fuck is that...

Nathan loves you

Well he can always change his mind.

He wouldn't for the world

Who the fuck is saying all of this?

Most of the songs he performs, he thinks of you

I closed my eyes, feeling stressed. I shouldn't have yelled at him like that.

10 Hours Later

"Taxi!" I whistled at one but they only passed by me. Am I invisible today?

"Let me help you!" I smiled at Justin as he hailed a taxi.

"Thanks! Wanna go back to my flat?" He questioned the word, flat and I totally forgot that, that was british.

"I mean apartment!" I blushed. He laughed at me before we got in the taxi. Nathan weighs on my mind but I push him back. I don't need to worry about him at the moment.

Once we arrived to my flat, I fumbled with the keys for a hit before turning the lock. Justin had made his way over to the couch while I'm left at the doorway, picking up the mail that was slipped under the door. I toss it to the counter and sigh before sitting next to him.

Was I too harsh on Nathan? His green eyes were filled with worry and confusion and now I'm wondering if this was just all in my head.

"You seem umm... stressed..." Justin trails off, making me wonder if I look tired and horrible. I just took a 16 hour flight, I don't blame myself one bit.

"It's just that Nathan and I had gotten into a fight-" I begin to ramble on but he stops me in mid sentence. "You don't have to tell me!" He assures me, bringing me in for a hug as his pink lips connect to the top of my head. I sigh, feeling relaxed.

I decided that I should tell him, he may not listen but at least it'll feel good to get this off my chest. At least that's what I read in books!

"I can see both sides of the story but at the same time I can see how your both wrong." He finally speaks after a summary of how the fight when down. I wonder what Nathan is doing...

"You both over reacted, which is probably what you don't want me to tell you but it's true. I don't want to lie to you!" Ugh why is this so confusing to me when it should be clear!

He notices the way my eyes were on the brink of tears and holds me against his chest.


Justin had left and all I'm left with is the dark apartment and a blue blanket covering me.

I remember telling him that our relationship was cliché because it is. But now that I think about it, what if cliché relationships don't work out?

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