The Man

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A/N If you don't know the plot I'll just tell you now.

After a man reportedly went missing 2 teens set out on a mission to find him, but ends up getting into a lot of trouble and being lost in a forest. Now a creepy tall black figure wants them dead for intruding their home.

This was it. This was the place the man supposedly went "missing". I don't believe any of this nonsense but my friend does. He's into mysteries and all that crap. I'm here to prove him wrong! "So.. do you want to go first?" Cameron said. I knew he wasn't going to do it because he was a big scaredycat. But hey, I get to lead the way. This forest is big but alot of dead tree's and there's alot of fog around. I can barely see anything but I'm not scared. I'm never scared of anything! Nothing at all. But cameron is, he's the opposite of me. He's scared of absolutely everything he's like Shaggy and Scooby from Scooby doo. It was the afternoon near night. The cold wind blew hard. Cameron was lucky he brought a jumper, I didn't. He was terrified that a spider will bite him. He's such an idiot.

"According to Google this man has been missing for 2 months, there's no way he could've survived with no food." I said. Cameron looked at me in a Really wow didn't know that look. He can be mean sometimes. We're getting deeper in the forest, In the distance looks like a broken shack. A really old abandoned shack, the roof has fallen down and everything is broken.

As we get closer Cameron spots something living. I take a closer look and it's not a bug nor animal. What is it? The roof has fallen on it, I wonder how long it's been stuck there. Cameron lifts the roof for the thing to crawl off extremely fast. Cameron screams and gets back. At first I didn't see why he was screaming til I look up. In the distance is a long tall black figure. My heart races. I stand up and try to interact with it.

"Hello? What are you doing down here in the woods?"
It doesn't responde I ask it again but still nothing happend. My palm's are starting to get sweaty. I don't know what to do. Everything starts to spin. Cameron starts to walk up to the creature.

"Stop! What are you doing cameron?!" I yell.
He doesn't listen. Soon enough he's at the creature. A huge mouth with broken yellow teeth with extremely dark red liquid drool coming out bites Cameron's arm off. It's bleeding alot but he still stands there. He seems controlled. I run up to the creature and when I'm just about to punch it, Cameron stops me.

"What are you doing Cameron?!" I yell.
He turns around with tears in his eyes then drops. I look back at the creature and its gone. Cameron's knocked out cold. My heart runs a million miles per hour. I pick him up and look around. It is really gone! I'm scared for life. Tears start forming in my eyes. I don't believe this is happening. I grab my phone to try call the ambulance. But of course, no reception. Anywhere. I look at Cameron and he's eye and right arm has turned fully black. I try taking us home but just end up walking more into the forest. I put leaves over his left shoulder that was bit off to stop the blood from dripping everywhere. I don't know if it'll make it worse or if it won't affect it at all.

I make shelter for us to stay in. The cold wind blows but not too hard. My lips turn blue. I can't get to sleep. I feel like I'm going to die by that creature or something. Cameron was part of the scouts, I would ask him to make a fire but he's still knocked out. Maybe this whole thing is a dream. I pinch myself but I feel pain. I'm not dreaming. The dead black trees make me feel like I'm in Slenderman or something. The night is cold, it's really cloudy. My hands and feet are numb. I start to think how bad of a friend I've been to him for years and yet he still has my back.

Me and Cameron were neighbours when I was 6. We use to hang out alot and now we have different things we worry and do now. We dont hang out much anymore. Around 8 years old I start to hang out with the "Cool kids" and since they always swear and be disrespectful I followed them too leaving cameron behind. 10 years old and Cameron moved house's and school's. But the "Cool kids" started to turn on me and was bullying me cause I had a crush and liked drawing but not sports. Then there was the gossip kids always making lies about me and Cameron and thats when I hit 6th grade and was going to highschool. Teachers, friends, family didn't notice me anymore. I felt depressed til Cameron came back to my school. He made me happy but I used him to make the "Cool Kids" like me again. And now we're here, alone, scared in the middle of nowhere and going to die.

Cameron wakes up and it's day time now. "Good morning, Cameron" I want to be nicer to him as I feel like a big douchebag.

"Goodmorning. Sleep well?" It's like he doesn't know what happend at all. He acts Normal.

"Couldn't sleep at all. How's your arm?" I reply

"It feels little better. Not. It stings like hell!" He says.
Cameron doesn't remember what happend does he? I tell him to follow me, we need to find away back home. But the problem is we don't have a clue where the hell we are. Two teenagers stuck in a forest together not knowing how to survive anything. Cameron seems less scared now. I'm glad he's all good. We just need a way out of this huge place.


Thanks for reading the first chapter can't wait to write the next few chapters. Hopefully you guy's will like the book. If you want to support me consider joining me discord: and checking me out on Youtube:
Thanks. Bye and have a nice day.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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