03. that one

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Hoyeon's POV

We all went home after that. I clung onto Jisung as we made our way to the bus stop. Jisoo and Jihoon decided to give us some couple time since it was our anniversary.

I chuckled at Jisung when he kissed the back of my hand again. "Why do you keep doing that?" I asked and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I just want to. Your hands are so soft." He said and kissed my temple.

A bus pulled in front of us and we both stepped inside. We went to the back seat and as we made our way, I heard a girl say to her friend, "Bleh. They won't last forever." I rolled my eyes. I tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at me and raised a strict eyebrow. I gave the treatment back to her. "If you're so jealous, then you should probably get a love life, too." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I don't need a man. I'm fine with myself."

Her friend nudged her. "What? Do I look like I don't reject the boys in our school?" Her friend rolled her eyes. "Just stop it, Younghae." The girl whose name is Younghae folded her arms and sighed.

"Ugh, fine."

Jisung and I went to our seats. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked outside the window. "What's wrong?" Jisung asked and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "That girl pissed me off." I hissed.

He pulled my head and let it land on his shoulder. "Let it go. Her opinion doesn't pay your electric bill." I laughed at what he said and I finally loosened up a bit. "You're right." I replied.

The bus stopped and Jisung and I went off. We walked towards Jihoon and I's apartment, which is now our apartment, holding hands. Yep, HHWW. Jisung opened the door using the key (I mean, obviously) and we both went inside.

I threw my bag on the couch, as I always do and made myself comfortable beside it. I kicked my shoes off my right foot and almost hit Jisung. We both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry!"

"Are you trying to kill me?"

I stood up, my left shoe still hugging my left foot, and hugged Jisung. He just chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Don't do that again, okay?" I didn't hesitate to nod. "If I die, no one is gonna marry you."

I raised a brow. "Why?" A smirk formed on my lips when he replied, "Because I'm dead." I hit his chest and he just chuckled. "Come'ere, princess." He wrapped me around his arms and he also lost balance, making us both drop on the couch.

I was underneath him and he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at how he's so cheesy. I pecked his lips and pushed him out of the way.

"Come on, I'm hungry." I said.

"Can't you just eat me?"

"Jisung, when did you become like that?"


Jisung and I went to school the next day. We were almost late because the both of us slept late at night, finishing ten episodes of Big Mouth. We catched up with the bus just in time and we waited for it to stop.

I felt Jisung tap my hand. "Are you sleepy?" I yawned. "Of course, I am." I replied. The bus stopped and we went off. We saw Mark and Jeno near the gates and they immediately saw us.

"Hey! I have news!" Mark exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. I raised a brow. "What is it?" I asked. "There's a chick transferee!" He giggled and Jisung and I shared weird glances for Mark.

Jeno rolled his eyes. "It's not just that. A guy transferee is also here. They're both Hoyeon's classmates." Jeno said. Mark pouted. "That's the bad news. I think I need Maurice or Rick right now."

Jisung and I nodded and he put an arm around me. "Whatever. I have Hoyeon." I felt a blush because of what Jisung said. Mark and Jeno cringed and we made our way to our rooms.

"I'll see you later." Jisung cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and bid goodbye. While I was walking towards my room, I passed by Jisoo and Shinhyuk. "Hoyeon!"

I waved a hand. "Hi." Jisoo hugged me. "There's two transferees and they're both in our class." Jisoo informed. I just nodded my head. "I know. Mark and Jeno told us." I replied.

Jisoo grunted while the three of us walked to our classrooms. "Ugh, those two. They're so updated when it's about girls." She rolled her eyes, making Shinhyuk and I laugh.

We entered the room and Ms. Kim called for our attention. We immediately sat on our seats and she started talking. "As you heard, there are new transferees, and they're put in here," She glanced at the door. "Please come in."

A girl and a boy walked in. The girl has her hair tied in two buns. Her hair was a pretty color of crimson. She was hugging two textbooks and she looked cute.

When the boy walked in, cheers erupted from my girl classmates. He was handsome, alright. He has curly, brown hair and holding one strap of his bag. "Introduce yourselves." Ms. Kim said.

The girl waved. "Hello. I'm Min Minji, but I prefer to be called by my nickname, Minnie. Nice to meet you. Please treat me well." She bowed and the boy introduced himself. "My name's Na Jaemin." He didn't add anything anymore so they went to their seats.

And Minnie's is beside mine.

"Hi." I waved my hand at her as she sat down beside me. She looked quite shock and immediately recovered from it. She smiled back. "Hi. You probably know my name. What's yours?" She asked.

"I'm Yoon Hoyeon. Nice to meet you." She sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. I just thought that no one would notice me."

"Who wouldn't? You're so pretty." She bit her lip and gave me a funny look. "Thanks, but not really. You're prettier." We just laughed at complimenting each other.

Ms. Kim called for our attention and she started the class. I felt Minnie tap my arm. I raised a brow. She leaned in and whispered, "Do you have a crush on the new guy?" She asked and pointed at Jaemin.

I shook my head. "Nah, I have a boyfriend." She laughed at my reply and sighed. "Good to hear. I love that one."

Minnie is my sunshine uwu @BANANAJMIN❤️

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