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Hi, I'm Natalie and I am a nerd. I have a crush on this classmate of mine. His name is Josh. He's very popular in our school and he is a football player.

I have had a crush on him since ninth grade. Since I can't confess to him because he's always surrounded by popular people.

An unpopular person, like me, can't possibly go near the popular crowd. It's enough that I can stare at him during class since he seats in front of me. Sometimes when he falls asleep in the middle of the class, I would even smell his hair! And he smells nice!

Well, this year will be our senior year and I'm planning to confess to him on our prom night. I hope it goes well.  

I have two best friends, Nick and Lizzie. They have been my best-est of the best-est friends since forever. They have been always been there for me. Lizzie lives right next door while Nick lives across from us.

I've been called ugly and fat for my entire life except my parents and friends. Even though my parents are handsome and beautiful, I am not. My parents are actors and for all their years of acting, they've billionaires. Yes, I am filthy rich.

I used to have a really dorky glasses, an uncontrollable hair, and acnes on my face. But now my hairs is so lovely everyday with its curls at the end of my brown hair and if you can see my face right now, you'd ask, "I thought you have many acnes on your face. Where did they go?"

Well honey, the only answer would be, they're gone and never coming back. I guess the reason for those thing happening was because of puberty, but I still have the dorky glasses. I have contact lenses but don't like wearing them because it makes my eyes very itchy and I hate it. I almost forgot to tell you that I also used to have... BRACES! 

At school, we don't wear uniforms except on uniform day-that's every Friday. My clothes are really shabby and old-fashion. I have a very big closet that's filled with branded clothes, shoes, bags, dresses and don't get me started with my pieces of jewelry. My closet is as big as half of my bedroom. My bedroom is as big as my bathroom. I have a jacuzzi that can fit in five people and a flat screen 48 inches plasma TV that's hanging on my wall in front of my showering area.

At school, Josh's locker is next to mine. When I found out that information I screamed as if I was being raped. People even gave me looks as if asking if I'm a retard of something. Josh is- what can I say... PERFECT! He's so nice, handsome, smart, popular, athletic, and has an amazingly luscious body- but my best friend Nick has a more amazing body than his.

My life sucks here at school because people tend to bully me always- except my teachers, I'm their favorite. My classmates would sometimes put glue on my chair so my butt would get stuck on the chair. Because of that, I bring extra clothes every day and keep some spares in my locker. Wouldn't want to walk out of the classroom with a chair stuck to you butt again, now do we?

That's right I said AGAIN and believe me it was the worst day of my life.

All of those will cange dramatically starting today, my first day as a SENIOR.  

I'm going to turn eighteen tomorrow. I thought 'Well, this year is going to be different. This year will be my best year. I promise you mom and dad. I will not sit back and relax while watching people laugh at me for being ugly'

 As a present for my first day as a senior, my parents bought me a customized car with a plate card that says 'PRECIOUS' - I'm the only daughter and I have three older brothers so yeah I'm very loved at home.

When I walked in the front doors of the school, the crowded hallway filled with people began to split in to two groups as they make a way for me to walk. As I walk, a smirk was plastered on my face because I heard people say , "Who's that girl?" "I'd dig into that any day, man." "She's freakin' hot, dude."  "Damn, Bro! I got a boner just thinking about that girl scream my name!"  That last statement made me blush that the guys started to wolf whistle.

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