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(Written on 8 Sept)

"Sister! NOOO!"

Ayumi Shinozaki could vividly remember the deathly shriek that ripped itself out of her throat as she watched her sister Hinoe being decapitated before her very own eyes. Her sister was smiling at her while embracing her tight with reassurance, while she was just crying; reduced to a sobbing wreck, glad that her sister had come to save her...

And then, in just a split second, her sister was killed.

The pain that burned in her skin was nothing as compared to the agony that tore through her heart at the loss of her beloved sister.

It was all my fault, she thought, all mine!

If only... I didn't meddle... with the Book of Shadows...

If only...!

She could hear nothing but the steady sickening gushing of blood from her sister as more and more sharp objects began to embed itself within the older woman's body while runic symbols glowed red just on the areas where the potentially dangerous weapons were driven deep into the skin.

And in that very moment, she knew that her sister was going to suffer the same fate as the faceless being - the failed product of Mayu Suzumoto that Ayumi had summoned, together with Naomi Nakashima using a revival spell of the accursed Book of Shadows. Her body parts would be separated from where the runic marks once glowed with a brutal explosion and a bath of blood.

"...ass rep! Class rep!"

The voice of Naomi echoed in her ears.

"We have to go now, it's dangerous!"


Ayumi felt the tears tricking from her eyes. She could hear Naomi literally screaming at the top of her lungs, urging her to leave her sister and go; tempting her to ditch this place and flee for her life. However she knew that was impossible, considering the recent events that had just happened. Considering the fact that she had dragged her sister into this mess and inevitably caused her unfortunate death, there was no way she could continue living to avoid her sin.

"S-Sister..." she sobbed. "I'm s-sorry..."

Suddenly, even though she knew there was no way her sister would be alive after such a brutal murder, she felt gentle hands pushing her away. As she looked up to what seemed to her a ruby fountain, she could visualise the smile of her dear sister being shown to her. That was more than enough for her to break down into tears of guilt and wails of anguish.

As she fell back, gentle hands that separated her from her sister's corpse fell back helplessly as crimson blood trickled down Hinoe's arms.

"... Retrieve... the Book of Shadows..."

Ayumi heard the sweet voice of her sister in her head. She supported herself up with her injured arms as she whipped her head back and forth, searching frantically for the source of the voice. She watched Naomi run towards her as her vision began to blur and fade.


"The Book of Shadows... will bring about chaos to the world... if it is in the wrong hands..."

Her heard started to spin. Ayumi could no longer comprehend the words properly without any effort put in.

"... Live on... I know... you can do it..."

Sister... I'm... so, so sorry... It's... my fault...

"... Ayumi..."

Before she knew it, her vision had already faded to black as she fell into an abyss of darkness.


(I promise, the next chapter will be longer.)



Heey! owo It's my first time writing a CP fanfic (after indulging myself in one hell on a fandom on tumblr and on deviantART EVERYWHERE *gets kicked*) so I hope it's not too bad!

As you can see, this story will pick up after the ending events in Book of Shadows where Hinoe gets killed by the rage of the BoS while protecting Ayumi (or... not :v)

This fanfiction will revolve mainly around the various pairings in CP (so it's a romance fic ahuehue :B), along with a (derp) storyline I made up that regards the BoS as mentioned in this prologue, and not dive into Blood Drive (unless you want me to since I played snippets of it with my friend so basically I kinda know the entire plotline's skeleton *shot) so I hope I'll do okay! :]


Although, there may be some semblance of Blood Drive. MAY. But I'll do my best not to and try to keep this as original as possible *gets slapped*

I hope you like this! ^w^

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