First Meeting

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[[Euna finds out that she has a new client and can't believe her ears when she learns it's SHINee's own Kim Jonghyun.]]


Sitting at the kitchen table, dressed only in an over sized shirt that she had slept in the night before, Euna propped one foot on the chair beside her bottom, the other resting upon the cold floor below. In front of her was a steaming cup of coffee and her phone. A yawn spilled from her full pink lips as tears surfaced to her brown eyes. Last night she had tossed and turned, resulting in little sleep; but that didn't mean that she was going to sleep in. She needed to go on her usual morning run, but for some reason, she had yet to get dressed and leave her apartment.

In the empty apartment, a familiar ring tone played loudly in the once silent space, bringing her attention to her abandoned phone. Lazily she reached out, wrapping her fingers around the device and sliding a single fingertip across the screen before bringing it to her ear. "Hello."

"Euna, I need you to come in. I have a contract I need you to take a look at for a client of some very important people."

"Important people?" Repeating the phrase that had struck her interest, Euna tilted her head slightly in curiosity. It was very rare for her manager to not give her the name of their clients, so instantly her interest was peeked.

Just who could it be?

"We can discuss it all when you arrive. Until then, just know that they requested you by name." The line went dead and Euna sat it down gengerly. Who would have requested her personally?


Walking into Salang-ui Yeongyeol (Love Connections), Euna greeted her co-workers as she made her way to the elevator. She pressed the fourth floor button, settling back against the cool metal of the elevator as it ascended floors.

The automatic doors opened at her stop, allowing the small, five foot woman of thirty to walk out of into the cooled, air-conditioned corridor. Her three inch heels shaped her nude stocking legs, rising up to her mid thigh black, pencil skirt that hugged her hips and thighs like she were a precious package. Her shirt was silk and teal, bringing out the blue contacts she wore (something most of her clients liked her to wear). Her shoulder length black hair was cut in an inverted bob, shaping her face and bringing out her features while showing off her make up, her face looking as flawless as a marble statue. In her line of work, her looks were her top priority.

Pin reaching her destination, she knocked lightly with the back of her manicured hand, the sound soft yet loud enough to be noticed as a deep male voice beckoned her inside. Walking into the office, Euna was greeted with a familiar looking older man sitting opposite her manager. She smiled, bowing low in greetings to the men that had obviously been waiting on her. Though to her delight, they both looked happy to see her. "Mr. Sooman-ssi, this is Euna Hishima." Hoje Han lifted a hand in her direction as if she were the prize that he was giving away.

"It's an honor to meet you, Sooman Oppa." Euna bowed once more, trying to flatter the older man. She knew all about him and his treatment of idols and she was not a fan. However, this was business, so she was going to pretend that she adored him. Sooman bowed his head, acknowledging her compliment and accepting it. She smiled, keeping the expression of adoration and excitement on her face even when on the inside she wanted to scold him for being so rough on those who worked under him.

"Sooman-ssi has a request that you date one of his idols." Her eyes widened in shock before she relaxed and returned back to her smiling face.

"An experiment to see how the world would accept an idol in a relationship." Sooman stepped in, explaining it in simple terms. "You will be seen with him during events, concerts, photoshoots, and such. The two of you will be allowed to go on pre-approved outings, followed by protection as a precaution to keep you and my son safe, of course." The term "son" was spoken with affection, but she was positive he was using it loosly. This man couldn't see past his wallet, let alone see his idols as anything more than money bags. However, no matter how much she despised this man, her job was to keep a pretty face and pretend to be happy about all of this.

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