In the firelight

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There they go again ... with the same flame as there was in 1959, in Mexico. Ruby andFernando are reunited, only physically, because the souls of the two lovers never separated,and now they can surrender completely to that passion. 

Flashback - 1 day before the hotel opens 

Ruby and her assistant / best friend Pauly prepare the suitcase for Kalocari:

 - Ruby, you need to calm down, it's just one trip just like so many others ...

- "No, Pauly, it is not!" What if my granddaughter does not want to talk to me? What if shehates me? I was a terrible mother and a horrible grandmother, she will have her reasons, but Iwant so much to be able to approach my only granddaughter.

 A tear trickled from the deep, glittering eyes ... 

-"Ruby, sweetheart, it's impossible for anyone not to like you. I'm pretty sure you're worryingfor nothing. Come here give me a hug, I do not want to see you cry.

 On the flight to KalocariRuby got on her plane by herself, wanted to do it by herself. The trip is long and tiring, butnothing matters if you do not make up for lost time.He picked up some magazines to read as he flies, and one of them stirred up his deepest (andsecret) memories: Mexico 59. Ah ... what a year! She thought to herself. She could still smellthe perfume of her Mexicano, Fernando. But this was a secret he preferred to keep to himself.Ruby married very early, due to the imposition of her father, but she lived 4 days of true lovewith Fernando Cienfuegos. He was a Mexican soldier who was present at one of the blonde'sconcerts in 1959, when they were 20 years old. As soon as they looked at each other for thefirst time, the barrels of passion touched. Ruby remembered everything during the trip,especially on the 1st day, the day she met love:

 Flashback - Love at First Sight 

The young singer arrived in Mexico and soon went to the hotel, the same where the concertwould be held and would be her mini vacation accommodation. He entered the room, took offall the glamor and glitter impregnated and put on comfortable clothing. Ruby could not wait totake a break and enjoy her private life.After separating everything that would use for the show, began to make up and wentbackstage and found his team:

 - Okay Ruby, you get in five minutes! Ah, I forgot to mention that today we will have 1 soldierassigned by the city enjoying the show and doing their security, so if you need anything, justtalk.

 -"Thank you, Andre, I'm ready. 

The lights of the super trouper light up and Ruby left, with a dress made only with glitter andstones, hair still black, smooth to the waist and the voice unequaled. The audience wasdelirious with the show, they sang along, shouted their name, and applauded a lot. Ruby wascurious as she had not yet seen her new security, but she followed the show through to theend.When he finished singing the last song, he thanked everyone and left the stage. Back there,waiting for her, the most handsome man she'd ever seen, dressed in a big smile awaited her.She could not say anything at first, for she lacked air.

 -"Welcome to Mexico, Miss Sheridan, I am the soldier Fernando Cienfuegos, and I willaccompany you to your safety to the hotel. And by the way, the show was wonderful. 

-"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mr. Cienfuegos!" Thank you for the leniency.

- "Oh, just Fernando, Cienfuegos is a mere formality of the hahaha barracks. 

- Then I only accept Ruby! Let's go? 

- As you may wish. 

The two of them headed for the lobby elevator, but as it was crowded, they decided to godown the stairs. Ruby went ahead, but did not see that there was water on the step, andslipped. Fortunately, Fernando is always on the lookout for it, and he took it immediately.When he realized he was in Fernando's arms, even for seconds, it was as if time had stoppedfor her. What could have happened to them both in such a short time? Fernando also stirredRuby in his arms, his patchouli scent penetrating the soldier's nose and heart.They reached the door of Ruby's room: 

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