So, I'm a hoe?

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Hello people, here is the tea. So this girl who is in my English class, who is the most annoying girl on Earth. We are gonna call her Karen.
Well Karen has had a crush on my boyfriend, who isn't my boyfriend, but like he is, anyways. She has had a crush on him and he never liked her, because he is my boyfriend, duh. And well they are friends or whatever because I'm She has never liked me and she has also been a bitch to me. Fun fact she is my backstop in cheer, I am a flyer, so I kinda don't want to get dropped.
Now to the real story.
We have Google accounts set up at school for our test, we use chrome books. Well my Google profile picture was picked at the beginning of 8 grade, we are litterally 20 days away from ending 9th grade. My profile pic is a picture of me sitting on a tree limb, with my back to the camera (the cover for this story). Not revealing, a cute, artsy, pretty picture. Well this THOTTY had the audacity to ask, in the middle of English "why is you Google profile a picture of your butt?" Let me tell you, she sits across the class room, so she said that really loud. And I said "it isn't, but whatever" and then the next day, I was sick, and my boyfriend (Ben ig) was talking with her about that. He told her it was my back, I was sitting on a limb, and she goes "It's not my fault she is being a hoe"
Obviously he told her I wasn't a hoe. So then a couple days later, I wore clip in bangs, bc I can, and then I didn't wear them the next day. She asks 'what happen to you bangs" I said I took them out, they were clips ins, she asked why
I said "bc I wanted to " and she goes...
Get ready for this
You ready
She goes "that's STUPId"
I just said yeah, bc like I said, I don't wanna get dropped.
Then, she was handing out test folders, and I was writing my bell work, and she laid the shit directly on my hand, but didn't do that to anyone else...I bit my tongue, and she asked me to vote for her for a Beta club officer, I said "I don't know" and she come in between me and my boyfriend, and he moves away from her back to me, so point for him.

Now fast forward to today, all the girls in school call me a hoe, and won't say it to my face, and this bitch started the whole thing. Sorry this is so short, just needed to rant, love you all!❤️

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