Hi my name is Isabella Vinita Rampersad and I'm 17 and I am a Viner with my best Friend Christine but I call her Christe so I wouldn't say we are popular we are just vine popular .
We live together in a apartment,and we both have our own cars I have a White and black Corvette and Christe has a Ford Mustang that's also white and black.
Yes we have met a couple viners We met Lele Pons,Jennxpenn,Andrea Russet,Arden Rose,fifth harmony I know they aren't really viners but we went to their V.I.P and got there numbers and that's all.
My favourite colour is white if u didn't know and we are homeschooled and I love my life.
I have dark brown hair with blonde highlights and emerald green eyes,Christe has Dirty blonde hair with pink highlights and blue eyes.
I think tats enough Information now let me tell u about our hobbies,
We do Lacrosse,basketball,pennyboarding and long boarding,we used to do at our school Cheerleading,softball,track team,and swimming team. People say we are really active.
When we have nothing to do we make vines and every Monday and Friday we do youtube videos also we are also famous for singing and rapping,so basically we both do both.
Hold on let me tell u where we live in Los,Angeles Cali. I'm from Canada so yeah hold on I think I heard a scream.
A.N hello I know this book is bad and this chapter was short but please Vote,comment follow me and keep reading.