Exhibition in museum

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In city beside sea known for many legends and stories was a big day. In The Museum of Nerissa was the opening of 'The Sea Queen'. Last year the archaeologists discover ruins of castles in oceans throughout world. Eight months was needed for complete research and transport remains from depths of the sea. Amaya Kana, japanese archaeologist and her team spend five years researching legends and stories of their hometown and are they true? Thanks to help of archaeologists and adventurers from all sides of Earth they finally found locations of the ruins. They found lots of jewelry,gold and precious stones, on the wall were parts of artworks of remarkable beauty and unfinished songs. 'The Sea Queen' was exhibition where are going to show jewelry  and artworks from ruins. Today lots of people has come to see exhibition and some come to try to enroll in Aqua Regina Academy, new academy which started building three months after discovery of ruins. Nobody know what were criterias for enrollment except that will students who got in get a letter from them. All schools in city were here today and were hoping to get one of their students in A.R.Academy. Soon will start new school year so everbody got chance to enroll. In big hall in museum you could see students from elementary schools to high schools, even few university students were present. Although some were interested in exhibition, most were here to found out how to enroll in A.R.Academy. Beautiful, large and rich, that were rumors that were describing academy . Because they will be first students of A.R.Academy, their schooling will be free but for students who wil enroll starting next year will have to pay tuition fees or take a test for scholarship. There were the teachers who hoped to get job at the academy because the salary was high and free place to live. Currently was 7:00 AM and exhibition was about to start. In front of big crowd stepped old man and cleared his throat:

"Welcome everyone to this exhibition. Let me wish good luck those who want to enroll in Aqua Regina Academy and I hope you will succeed. Once again I welcome everyone and now let's hear a word from person who is responsible for this exhibition."

The old man who was now recognized as director of the museum left stage as people were clapping to tall woman whose eyes were shining behind her glasses. She took deep breath and with began to speak:

"Thank you, director and once again I welcome you to 'The Sea Queen'. My name is Amaya Kana and I want to tell you how much it means to me and everybody who participate in finding the ruins. We all have always believed in tales that were told from generation to generation. About beings who lived in the seas and oceans to forbidden love between humans. We believed that they were true and with the help of all of you we finally did it. Someone will say that those ruins aren't those from legends, that why aren't those beings still not alive, why have they disappeared? It OK if you will never believe me but my team and i will not abandon our dream to find what happened and why they disappeared. 'The Sea Queen', our pride maybe isn't the biggest and the most beautiful event but i hope you will enjoy. Thank you everyone for coming here today and everybody who want to go to A.R.Academy, good luck and i hope you will pass. Director, would you do me a honor..."

As young archeologist finished her speech she looked at the old man. Mr. Goda, director, wiped the tear and praudly said:

"The newest exhibition in The Museum of Nerissa, 'The Sea Queen' is now officially open!"

He couldn't hide joy in his voice as tears of happiness were appearing in his eyes. He did it, he achieved his dream. He was one of the first who helped and supported those young people. Their fellow archeologists didn't believe them and made fun of their dream but they were slowly but surely moving to achieving their dream. As he was thinking the big doors were opening. Behind the doors was spacious hall decorated with artworks and jewelry hidden behind glass, you could see remains of songs on some arts, pictures of beautiful events and persons and beside them were legends and stories from which they are coming. The sun's rays wre coming through the windows and making the jewelry shine. People were fascinated as they were looking, photographing and some were even read the translations of songs. It was such happy event but nobody know that this was just beginning. Beginning for revealing the truths, for finding out about past, about past lives and what really happened. This was beggining of adventure, secrets and past that were lost will be found and every tale that was told will get new ending. Memories will be key but for what? What will happen? Will they find themselves and their lost past? Why were they lost?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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